A Christmas Party

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Fuyuhikos pov

Once we finished setting the table the guests arrived. All our friends from the island were here and they even brought their children! Maybe kazuhiko can finally make some friends.

"My, your house is so nice fuyuhiko" Sonia gasped.

"Coming from a princess that's high praise" I chuckled.

"So well furnished too" mahiru nodded approvingly.

"I helped set the table" kazuhiko said proudly.

"Oh you did? Well done honey" mahiru petted his head "pekoya you could learn a thing or two from this boy"

"Whatever you say mother" the red head sighed.

Kazuhiko walked up to her "I really like the flower in your hair"

"Thank you. I like your hair too" she muttered.

"You wanna play with my toys?" He figited nervously "Santa brought me a bunch of new ones"

"Ok that sounds fun" she nodded.

Kazuhikos eyes lit up "ok let me take you to my room" he took her hand and led her to his bedroom. I smiled to myself. It's just like me and peko.

Speaking of peko there she was holding her newborn son who was also a red head. Mahirus genes run strong it seems.

I stroked the boys red hair "he's beautiful peko. I see a lot of you in him. I bet he'll make a fine swordman"

"Thank you" she looked around wistfully "this place has hardly changed since we were kids"

"Well kazzy doesn't really like change and neither do I" I shrugged.

"Speaking of kazuichi would you consider having any more children?" She asked "I'm sure kazuhiko would love a little brother or sister"

"I'm sure he would but I wouldn't want to put kazzy through that again" I sighed.

"Didn't he nearly crush your hand?" She giggled into her hands.

"Oh don't remind me" I laughed along with her. It's like we're kids again.

Christmas really is the best time of year.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now