Building Execution Mechines

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Kazuichis pov

I sighed as I wiped the sweat from my brow. Junko's request to me was to build sixteen machines that represented the talents and fears of the students of class 77. If I completed this task within three months kazuhiko would be safe.

Normally I enjoy building new things but I couldn't enjoy this. I was practically building an execution mechanic! And I can't even make their deaths painless. Junko got mad at me last time I even suggested it. She wants their deaths to be as painful as possible!

"Mama" I heard kazuhiko crying out to me. I immediately dropped what I was doing and ran to his side.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the sound of Junko's voice. She looked at kazuhiko in disgust "is that little gremlin distracting you from your work? Cause if he is auntie junko would be happy to take him off your hands-"

"No!" I held kazuhiko close to my chest. I can't let that monster touch my baby! "That's a very kind offer but I'm fine. I'll get everything done so please let me keep my baby"

"Ok" she petted my head with a kind smile "but if you fail me I'll twist his little body in all kinds of fun ways" with those chilling words she left.

I let tears fall down my face "I'm a bad person kazuhiko. I'm a terrible person for doing this but I have to. I can't let anything bad happen to you. You're my everything baby boy"

It's terrifying how far a mother is willing to go for their child.

the Yakusas future child (kuzusouda m-preg) Where stories live. Discover now