Chapter 1

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This is so much pain. I accidentally deleted the original part 1 that I was almost finished with. I wanna scream.


-Genya Shinazugawa. 16. He goes to Shortridge Academy. He has a chauffeur that takes him to school every day.

The Shortridge academy is a private school in the USA.

-Great. Send one of the spies to disguise as the chauffeur and kidnap him. After all, he is the best experiment subject, as his brother is our enemy... It wouldn't hurt us if our dear Sanemi lost his brother...

-Yes sir.


It's evening. Genya's chauffeur walked out of the grocery shop. Suddenly, he was ambushed by the spy sent from Sanemi's enemy.

The chauffeur was successfully kidnapped. They made a mask identical to his face. The next day, the spy took the chauffeur's place and took Genya to his school.


"Hi guys!" Said Genya in an excited voice. "Are you ready for the test today?"

"Ready?! I am more than ready! I studied ALL night!" Said Genya's friend.

They had tests, it was very easy for Genya. He finished all of the paper. As for his friend... He only finished about 58% of it.

When Genya left school, he went inside the car he always goes to school with. His "Chauffeur" went the wrong way, which scared Genya, but he remained calm. Maybe he was taking a shorter route.

Soon enough he realized he was kidnapped. He decided to call 911, but to his absolutely great luck, his phone died.

"Damn it!" He screamed internally.

The car stopped. The spy harshly grabbed Genya's arm and took him out of the car. Genya tried to get away, but he failed. He even screamed, shouted, used his strength, but the spy was just too much. It was as if he was a demon.

They went inside the shady building. At this point, Genya wabted to cry, but also wanted to fight. He was left alone in a room. Suddenly, some gas started going inside the room. Genya passed out. The last thing he heard was "Perfect. Now we can finally play..."

After a few minutes, Genya woke up.

-Good evening, Genya. How are you feeling?

The man got close to Genya's face. To the point it made the young boy uncomfortable.

-...Why am I tied to a chair? And... Get away from my face! Are you a p3dophile?!

-My, my... So rude... Say, do you want to play?

-You're definitely a p3dophile. AND GET AWAY, OH MY GOD. Can't believe I was kidnapped by a p3dophile. Goodbye life...

-Josh, hit the button!

Suddenly, a bright light appeared before Genya. He passed out. Again.

After a while, he felt something tapping his right cheek.

He opened his eyes to see a young girl with long, black hair with orange tips. Her eyes were pink, like a cherry blossom.

The girl moved away and sighed in relief.

Genya sat up. Behind the girl was a boy. He looked older than her. He had red hair, also red eyes and had a scar on his forehead.

"Um, hello..?" Asked Genya. He was confused. He had no idea who they were, nor where he was.

Girl: -Um, sorry if I made you uncomfortable, you were on the ground, unconscious and I was just checking if you were alive... Glad you're not dead, haha.

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