Chapter 2- Wishes Do Come True

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"Y/n. Y/n wake up," my mother whispered, and I felt her shaking me frantically. I groaned and slowly opened my eyes. I sat up and rubbed my head, then I looked up at my mom.

"What happened?" I asked, groggy and confused due to having just woken up.

"Happy 11th Birthday!" Mom exclaimed, and then she wrapped me in a tight hug. "Congrats! I knew you could do it," she said, and I became even more confused.

"Wait, do what?" I asked, not knowing what in the heck was going on.

"Here, it's best if you read it," my mom replied, and then she handed me something completely unexpected. It was a letter from Hogwarts.

Ms. (First initial). L/n

7 Privet Drive

Little Whinging


I stared at the letter blankly. For a moment, I thought that my wish had come true. But then I soon realized that it was probably an envelope Mom had bought off of Amazon, and just contained a tacky birthday card for me.

"This is so cool, where'd you buy this mom?" I studied the letter closer, and realized that it had the complete wrong address on it. "Also mom, don't trust everything people sell on the internet. Harry Potter's house is actually 4 Privet Drive, not 7. And also, if this was supposed to be our address, it's entirely wrong. We don't even live in London."

Mom laughed, and gave me a confused look. "Sweetheart, I didn't buy that off of the internet, that letter came in the mail. And also, we've lived in this house your entire life. Did you hit your head while going to bed last night?" I stared at my mom in disbelief. I sighed and opened the letter, expecting a handwritten Happy Birthday card, but instead found a letter that looked exactly like the one from the movies. 

 I stared in awe and shock

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 I stared in awe and shock. I couldn't believe it at all. "Is this actually happening?" I asked out loud, forgetting my mom was there until she wrapped me in a tight hug.

"My baby is going to Hogwarts!" She cried excitedly. I suddenly heard footsteps scrambling towards my room. Dad burst in through the door, a look of joy on his face.

"Is that right? Are you really going to Hogwarts y/n?" He asked. I had begun to accept the situation, so I slowly nodded my head in response.

"That's right, I'm attending Hogwarts."


A few weeks later, it was already time for me to go to Platform 9 ¾ and board the train. My parents had helped me pass through the wall, and were now seeing me off.

"I can't believe you're really going," Mom said, tears welling up in her eyes. She wrapped me in a tight hug, before Dad came over and embraced the two of us as well.

"I'm going to miss you mom and dad," I said, fighting the tears threatening to slip out. I didn't want my tender hearted parents feeling worse than they were now, so I decided to stay strong and not allow myself to be sad in front of them.

"Make sure to write every week," Mom demanded.

"And no boys," added Dad, to which Mom gave him a strange look.

"Honey, at her age they're just starting to develop crushes and experience new things. At least allow her some freedom."

"Fine," Dad sighed, "no boyfriends or dating, but you can talk to and be friends with boys." I smiled, and hugged my dad again. The train suddenly tooted its horn, warning that it was almost time to board and depart.

"Have fun at Hogwarts, and make sure to keep your grades up!" Mom said. I boarded the train, and then looked out one of the windows as the train began to leave. I saw my parents waving at me, and my mom shouted, "I love you y/n!" I waved back as my parents' figures slowly grew smaller and smaller until they disappeared.

I walked around the train, trying to find the compartment that Harry and Ron were in. If I got there early enough, I could probably even meet Hermione! As a reader, I was excited to finally meet characters who used to be fictional in real life. After passing a few compartments, I heard a familiar voice deliver a line I knew too well.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." I smiled excitedly, and raced towards the compartment I heard it from. I appeared in the doorframe, grinning. A redhead and a boy with glasses and messy hair both looked up at me.

I had found Harry Potter and Ron Weasley.

A/n: Apologies for all the super short chapters! They will get progressively longer, but there will be a lot of short ones in the beginning to add suspense and to dedicate a chapter to introducing each character.

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