Chapter 27- Fireworks

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 I had decided that I wanted to go to a theme park with Cedric. It seemed like the perfect date—no, hangout spot. I wasn't quite sure if I was ready to call it a date or not. I didn't think Cedric and I were that close yet. I had wanted to go to a theme park with him to see if he did ever get scared, and if he would end up being the one clutching on to me. That was fun imagining, Cedric grabbing onto me as the ride began to descend...

I was shaken out of my thoughts when a knock sounded at the door.

"Y/n, someone's here for you!" My dad called to me from downstairs. I rushed down and to the door, which my mom was already opening.

"Who are you?" She asked the person whose face I couldn't see yet.

"Cedric Diggory," Cedric replied, and I could almost hear his smile. "I'm here to take y/n to a theme park. Don't worry, I'll have her back by midnight at the latest."

"Okay," my mother said, "let me go get her. You won't mind if I shut the door, will you?" I assume Cedric must've nodded his head, as my mom shut the door a few seconds later. She turned to me, as I'd been standing there near the door the whole time. She had a mischievous smirk on her face and her eyes seemed to be lit with a childish delight.

"You've got yourself quite the catch y/n~" My mom teased, making my cheeks turn pink. "Ooo~ someone's blushing!"

My dad came rushing towards us. "Who's making y/n blush?" He asked, furious.

My mom placed her hand on my dad's arm. "Relax, he's a good kid. He said he'd have her home by midnight and he had very good manners."

My dad sighed in relief. He came over and hugged me and said, "As long as my daughter's in safe hands."

Once he let go of me, my mom shoved me towards the door. "Now, go hang out with your man!"

I stumbled out the door and almost ran into Cedric. He was standing there casually waiting, with his classic sweet smile on his face. I made sure to adjust myself before I walked towards him and gave him a shy smile.

"Hey," I said, trying my best not to be awkward. I was fine with Harry and Draco, but things were different with Cedric since he was known for being good looking and he was a year older.

Cedric laughed and responded with a soft, "Hey." He then pulled a small flower clip out. All I knew was that it was white, but I didn't know what flower it was. Cedric held it out towards me and said, "It's a white camellia. I thought it would suit you."

I took the flower clip from his hand and clipped it into my hair. Cedric grinned and said, "I would've gotten you a whole bouquet, but I didn't want you to have to carry that around the whole day." I smiled, loving how considerate he was.

"Thank you Cedric," I said softly. He smiled and then extended his hand out to me.

"Shall we then?"


We used a portkey that took us to a hidden alleyway near the theme park. I stumbled, trying to regain my balance. Cedric reached out and held my shoulders, trying to help keep me still.

"Have you never used a portkey before y/n?" Cedric asked.

"Nope," I replied before turning around and puking. "And I don't want to do it ever again."
After I felt normal again, Cedric and I walked over to the theme park. We both entered, and our first stop was the haunted house. There was no way it was that scary. Right...?

I was so wrong. The second we stepped inside we were plunged into darkness. I fumbled my pockets for my wand and then I realized that I wouldn't be able to use it anyway. I was just going to have to walk through the cold, dark house with Cedric without any light source.

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