Chapter 9- Lonely Neville Longbottom

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 I groaned in embarrassment as Harry and Draco both worked together to try and carry to the Hospital Wing. Moments before, I had tumbled down the stairs due to my clumsiness, and Harry and Draco had both been there to see it.

I had fallen quite a bit, but the only damage really was a sprained ankle and two bloody knees. Harry and Draco, being the overdramatics they were, were both convinced that I'd just gotten some real bad injury, and they both picked me up and carried me despite my protests.

Because they were both built like sticks, Harry and Draco both had to work together to carry me. It wasn't that I was heavy, it was just that they were extremely weak. Like, neither of them seemed to have gone to the gym. It was extremely awkward for me because Draco carried my upper half, from my head to the middle of my back, and Harry carried my lower half, from the middle of my back to my legs.

I tried to hide my face as the two boys made a commotion, with Draco yelling, "Move it scum! My friend has a severe injury!"

And Harry saying, "Don't die y/n!"

I shut my eyes in embarrassment, and then I felt them stop walking. I heard a very familiar voice panic and say, "Are you okay y/n?!"

I opened my eyes to the dashing Hufflepuff, Cedric, standing in front of the two boys.

Just as I was about to open my mouth to speak, Draco cut in. "Move it pretty boy. And Harry, carry more weight! I'm struggling here." I sighed. I really didn't want to be seen like this in front of the whole school, and especially Cedric.

"Look Draco, you can put me down-" I started, but then Cedric cut in.

"I'll take her from here." Suddenly, a strong pair of arms lifted me up and carried me bridal style. I looked up at Cedric, and I got a nice very close up view of his facial features.

"Thank you guys for carrying me so far," I said, pitying Harry and Draco. They both nodded, but they didn't leave. Instead, they followed Cedric who was carrying me.

"We'll make sure you safely get to the Hospital Wing," Harry said.

I saw Cedric roll his eyes. I felt him whirl around and tell Harry and Draco, "Y/n's the safest with me. I won't almost drop her unlike some first years." Damn, Cedric was getting feisty because of me.

"Well, we still don't trust her with you, so we're following!" Draco insisted. Cedric and I both sighed, and then Cedric agreed.

As I neared the Hospital Wing, I encountered even more of my friends.

"Are you okay y/n?" The Weasley twins asked in unison, dashing up towards me.

"She's fine I got her-" Cedric began.

"Let her answer," George sharply cut in.

"I'm uh actually fine everyone. You can put me down Cedric."

"No," Cedric said, "I can't risk you getting hurt. There's only a little way left until the Hospital Wing."

"We'll come along too!" The Weasley twins said together.

"We can tell jokes," Fred said.

"And they'll help lighten the situation," George replied.

I groaned again in embarrassment. "You guys, I'm not dyin-"

The "g" was cut off surprisingly by Cedric who said, "Shh, you shouldn't use any energy, even by talking." I rolled my eyes, but decided to accept the situation.

The 5 minute walk had seriously felt like 5 years with the 4 boys flocking me and the cutest boy in school carrying me. Fred and George had been non-stop telling knock knock jokes back to back, and I swore that the next "knock knock" heard would be my fist on both their heads.

Once I got in, Cedric laid me down on one of the beds, and Madame Pomfrey hurried over. The boy stayed huddled close around her as she inspected me, and she finally lost it.

"All 5 of you, out!" The boys all sighed defeatedly and left.

"How's it looking Madame Pomfrey?" I asked in a lighthearted voice.

"Just a sprained ankle and a few scratches. Some bandaids and ice will be fine, and I'll wrap your ankle with a bandage. Jeez, I thought you were dying with how panicked those boys were. Give me a moment to get the stuff dear. I'll be back." she said all at once.

Once she walked away, I sighed.
"I wouldn't be sighing so disappointedly if I were you," a young boy said from the bed next to mine. "I would sell my soul to have that many friends that care about me." The boy sounded lonely, and in pain.

"Well, you should talk to people then. I'm sure people would love to be your friend, you just need to make an effort to interact."

"No one knows who I am. If they do, they know me as that one clumsy boy who loses and forgets everything. No one wants a friend like that!"

"I would," I responded. There was no lie in my words, it was the truth. I slowly pulled back the curtain, and it revealed a sad Neville Longbottom, with a few tears slipping from his cheeks. He sat upright in the bed, and his arm was wrapped in a sling.

He looked over at me, and we stared at each other for a moment. He then turned away and wiped his eyes.

"You're just saying that to make me feel better. You pity me—"

"I know what it feels like to be lonely. I know what it feels like when all of your friends leave you because of one of your personality traits. I know what it feels like to not be wanted, and to be a nobody," I spilled out. I hadn't realized how lonely I had been before I came to this world. I softly said, "I don't want anyone else to feel that way. I...I want to be your friend Neville. Not out of pity, but because I think you're a cool person."

Neville stared at me, tears welling up in his eyes again, but this time because he was happy. "Okay. You can be my friend y/n. Thank you."

I smiled, and then I got up from the bed and limped over to embrace Neville. My ankle hurt like hell, but I knew he desperately needed the hug. He wrapped his non slung arm around me and whispered once again, "Thank you y/n."

A/n: Haha first long chapter in a little while. Hope you enjoyed the taste of what happens when almost all the boys are protecting y/n

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