Chapter 28- A Place for You and Me

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I see that you've chosen date #2. I'm glad, as that was also what I'd been leaning towards. Though I do have to say, as much as I'd love for you to fully dress up and wear heels or fancy shoes, I would recommend that you wear shoes you could be active in. Like maybe hiking boots?
I'm looking forward to our date today. I'll come around noon, no later than 1:00.

I'm really excited to see you.



I got ready for the date by putting on an outfit that I was comfortable hiking in. If Mattheo had told me to wear hiking boots, that probably meant I should wear something suitable enough as well. Since it was a date though, the hike probably wouldn't be too long.

I picked out a comfortable pair of jeans, since the internet said jeans were suitable as long as it was a short hike and not something long like a three day one. I then picked out a nice white short-sleeve shirt that came off the shoulders. The sleeves were flowy and the shirt only was up to my midriff. I was about to look in the mirror to see if my stomach was sticking out or not, but I decided not to, because no matter what, I looked good as long as I felt like it. I didn't care about how others saw me or how pretty I looked, I only really cared about how much confidence I exuded. My mom used to always say, "Confidence is the real thing that attracts people. Not looks."

I checked the clock and it read 12:30 pm. That meant Mattheo would be here any minute now. I ran downstairs and grabbed a nice pair of black hiking boots and put them on. Just as I finished tying the laces, a knock sounded at the door. It was Mattheo.

I walked over to the door and opened it. "Hi Mattheo—"

A man dressed in a delivery uniform stood awkwardly at the door, holding a box. He awkwardly gave me a smile and said, "Sorry, I'm not your guy. I'm delivering a package for D/n L/n. Is he here?"

I nodded and gave the man an awkward smile back. "Yup, let me go and get him." I turned my head and yelled, "Dad! Package!" My dad then came running down the stairs and took care of things while I walked away and sat back on the couch. I looked at the clock. It now read 12:45 pm. He said the latest he would get me was by 1:00. Was he standing me up? You know what, why would I even care? It's just a silly meet up. If he decides not to show, he's missing out on spending time with a wonderful, beautiful, and amazing person like me.

My dad finished talking with the delivery guy and then he closed the door. He turned his head over to me and said, "Y/n, there's a guy on a really sick looking motorcycle outside. I think he might be here for you."

"Really?" I asked, confused. Why would Mattheo be riding a motorcycle? That was weird. I walked over to the door and looked through the window, just in time to see Mattheo walking up and knocking on the door. I quickly opened it, and there he was. He wore a sleek black leather jacket and a pair of jeans. As I looked him up and down, he did the same to me and we both gave each other small smiles when our eyes met.

"Hey y/n," he said casually.

"Hey Mattheo," I replied.

"Are you ready for the best date you'll ever have?" He asked cockily.

"Hmm, I don't know, I've been on a couple really good dates recently. I don't know if you could top it."

"Oh believe me, I will," he said. As we walked out he tossed me a helmet. "Put it on and then we can go." I strapped the helmet on and then climbed behind him on the motorcycle. "Put your arms around my waist," he instructed, and I did so. "Alright, let's go!" Mattheo sped off of the driveway and towards our destination. The entire time he maintained a constant high-paced speed, never letting up. We finally reached our destination, the base of a mountain.

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