Chapter 30- Flowers

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I arrived at a small home with my mokeskin bag filled with gloves and other tools used to garden. I also had some seed packets, in case Neville let me plant anything. I'd brought the seeds for white carnations. They were really pretty, so I wanted Neville to have them. In my mokeskin pouch I also had a piece of paper with the names of the flowers Mattheo and Cedric had given me. Ginny told me that someone who gardens might know their meanings, so Neville was the perfect person to go to.

I knocked on the door and I heard someone stumble and fall as they ran to get the door. The door swung open to reveal Neville, panting from running. He wore a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, both of which were already stained with dirt. I smiled.

"Are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"Y-yeah. I'll probably just get a bruise on my face. I fell flat on it and my nose hit the ground," he said shyly. Right after he said that, blood began to stream from his nose. I sighed and he let me inside.

Just in case his nose was broken I said, "Episkey."

Neville smiled and said, "Thanks y/n. By the way, how do you know so many advanced spells? That's like a fourth or fifth year spell you just did."

"Let's just say I read a lot of books. Sometimes spell books."

"You're amazing y/n," Neville complimented, making me smile. "Anyways, let me show you the garden. Here, follow me."

I followed Neville out to the back and we reached a small looking building.

"Wait, do you have a greenhouse or a garden...?" I asked.

"Oh, I guess it's a greenhouse. Follow me," Neville said. I wasn't expecting much since it looked so small from the outside, but I had forgotten all about magical buildings. It was definitely much bigger on the inside. The greenhouse looked like one that had come straight out of a manga or webcomic that took place in the time of princesses and empresses. It was absolutely breathtaking.

"So, what do you think?" Neville asked quietly. I could tell he was nervous.

I took a deep breath and said, "This place is so beautiful. It's amazing." Neville breathed a sigh of relief.

"I'm glad you like it so far. I still need to plant some things and take out others though. Here, I picked these for you," Neville said, holding out a small bouquet of blue flowers. I could tell they were straight from his garden and made by him because there was a small blue bow attached, tying the flowers together. It didn't look exactly like a store bought bouquet either.

I took the bouquet and asked, "What are they? They're really pretty."

"They're, uh, blue Salvias," he said. "They're not a very common flower to give, I know. Sorry..."

"No, don't worry about it! I haven't received any common flowers at all lately. Actually, I've been meaning to ask, but do you understand flower language?"

Neville replied, "...yeah, I do. What do you want to know about them?"

"What do white camellias and white clovers mean?" I was so happy I was finally going to be able to understand what flowers Cedric and Mattheo gave me.

Neville's cheeks turned a little pink and he said, "White camellias mean, 'You're adorable', and white clovers mean... 'Think of me'." My face began to heat up. Both of them were being very bold with their messages. I was most definitely thinking of Mattheo now. Also, Cedric thinks I'm adorable?! My inner fangirl was screaming and thrashing around in happiness.

"Thanks Neville," I said, trying to calm myself down.

"No problem. Want to help me dig up these flowers over here? They're dying and I need to replace them."

"Sure!" For the next half hour, Neville and I were chatting as we removed the dead flowers from the bin. There were a lot of them. I mean, a lot.

Once we were finally done, Neville asked, "What do you think I should put here?"

"Actually, if you don't mind, I actually brought seeds that we could maybe plant? They're white carnations."

Neville looked up, surprised. "Oh, that would be amazing!" I pulled the seeds out of my mokeskin pouch and handed them to Neville. He smiled softly to himself and it seemed like he blushed.

"What do they mean?" I asked, invested with the meanings of every flower.

"Ah, they signify innocence, pure love, and sweet love. They're the perfect flowers," he said, smiling softly.

We both worked together to plant the seeds and spread them out evenly. As we planted them I couldn't help but stare at Neville. He looked so focused and enjoyed as he planted the seeds. I could tell he had a real passion for it. He looked up at me and caught me staring, and we held each others gaze for a while. There was a tense and awkward silence as we stared at each other. His cheeks began to pinken and I could feel mine doing them same.

He cleared his throat and l took that opportunity to look away. He stood up and said, "Well, I think we're done! I'm sure these will be realy pretty once they grow. I'll send you a letter when they bloom so you can come and see."

I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks Neville." We stood awkwardly and I said, "Uh, well since there's nothing left to do I guess I should...go."

He looked down and seemed a little sad. "Yeah...I guess." We both walked out of the greenhouse together and into his house, towards the front door.

"Thanks for everything Neville," I said as I began to walk down the front porch steps.

He leaned in the door frame and replied with a smile, "No problem. Talk to me anytime you need to know what flowers mean or if you just want to talk to me."

That reminded me of the flowers he gave me. "Wait, so what do the flowers you gave me mean? Blue salvias?" I asked, curious.

"I was hoping you wouldn't ask about that..." Neville said softly. His cheeks became red and he looked down, saying, "They mean... 'I think of you'."

I stood at the bottom of the porch steps looking up at him with my lips parted and an intense blush forming on my cheeks.

He quickly said, "Sorry, I know it's really weird and--" He was cut off as I ran up the porch steps and threw my arms around him.

I softly whispered in his ear, "...I do to." I then gave him a quick peck on the cheek and then took a step back. He looked at me, mouth agape, as he brought his hand up to the cheek I kissed. I gave him a small smile and then turned away. I went back home giddy, with my blue salvias in hand.

My summer had most definitely been very successful and fun. 

A/n: Okay to those who don't really like these summer chapters, they are now over! I will now be going into the second book!

As always, thank you to everyone who read my story. You guys are my motivation <3

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now