Chapter 13- The First Game

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 After Hallowe'en, it was finally time for me and Harry's first quidditch match ever. I was prepared to help Harry when his broom got jinxed, as I was going to "accidentally" whoosh by Quirell and knock his wand out of his hand to stop the spell. All I had to do was get my timing right.

Right before Harry and I went into the tent with our team, Malfoy approached both of us.

"Ugh, what do you want, Malfoy?" Harry asked, annoyed.

Malfoy sneered. "I just wanted to tell you not to let it get to your head that you got a Nimbus 2000, and that I'll be watching when you fall off your broom." Harry rolled his eyes. We both turned to walk away from Malfoy, when he grabbed my wrist and whirled me around.

"Wait!" He exclaimed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"I-I just wanted to say...good luck," he stammered. "Also, don't die."

I grinned. "I won't. If I do though, you'll give me a true love's kiss to revive me right?" I asked teasingly. Draco's pale white face turned a deep crimson shade of red. Seeing how flustered he was made me giggle in satisfaction. Then, without warning he grabbed my left hand and kissed the back of it.

"It would be my honor," he said flirtatiously, and then he winked at me and dropped my hand. He left with a satisfied smirk on his face, but I could still tell he was embarrassed and flustered because his ears were still bright red. I felt my face grow warm. Dammit, I was blushing! I covered my mouth and cheeks with my left hand, and then I realized it was the hand he kissed, which made me blush even more.

I dashed into the quidditch changing tent, and Harry took notice of my quick and flustered entrance.

"What happened out there?" He asked.

"N-nothing!" I exclaimed. "Just Malfoy being distracting."

"Okay..." Harry trailed off. "Hey y/n, let's make a bet!"

"A bet? Why?"


"Fine," I said.

"If I catch the snitch in every game up until 3rd year, you have to grant me a wish."

"What? That's so stupid and it's nearly impossible Harry!"

"Just do it."

"Fine," I said reluctantly, "if you catch the snitch in every game until 3rd year, I'll grant you a wish."

Harry grinned. "That's enough motivation for me. Thanks y/n."

Suddenly, it was time for our team to fly out. "Good luck y/n," Harry said gently.

"You too Harry."


It was around the time when Quirell was going to jinx Harry's broom. So far, I'd scored 150 points. I turned my head, and I saw Quirell begin to mutter. Harry's broom began to jerk slightly, and I knew it was time to execute my plan.

I decided to taunt the other team's beater. "Hey moron, learn to actually aim!" I cried out. The beater's face contorted and twisted in anger.

"You want aim? I'll show you aim L/n!"

Perfect. Aa the beater got ready to whack the bludger toward my direction, I raced towards Quirrell's location. "Eat this!" I heard the beater cry from afar. I heard the whoosh of the bludger as it split the air, and I took a nosedive toward Quirrell. As I was about to crash into him, I sharply directed my broom upwards, and barely grazed him with my feet.
However, the bludger did not change directions upward towards me, but it instead hit Professor Quirrell directly in the center of his face, knocking him out cold. I made sure no one was looking, before I discreetly pumped my fists.

While all of that had been happening, Harry had caught the Golden Snitch, and he had still managed to swallow it despite me knocking Quirrell out. Strange. I realized that not all things could be changed, despite my efforts. Harry swallowing the snitch was one of the things I had no control over, but then I realized it was because he needed the clue of swallowing the snitch in the later years of the universe.

I touched down onto the ground, and with the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team shared an embrace. Then, they hoisted Harry up as he pumped his fist with the snitch in it in the air. I smiled, seeing the bright smile that spread like butter across Harry's face. He turned his head and looked directly at me. For a moment, the world seemed to slow, and suddenly everyone disappeared but Harry.

We both gazed deeply into each other's eyes, still smiling. Suddenly, I felt the urge to reach out to Harry and hug him, and I didn't know if I wanted the hug to be platonic or not. As I walked towards him, the world came back to life when I bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" I apologized. I looked back up at Harry, but he was already looking away as he reveled in the glory of the moment. Suddenly, I was hoisted up by a member of the team.

"And here's to y/n for throwing that chaser off of Harry's tail and helping us win the game!" What? I had no idea I'd even done that. All I was focused on was trying to save Harry, but in the process I had somehow made the game easier for my teammates by distracting the beater. Huh, I was actually doing more good while trying to save other characters.

The team changed, and we all shared a mini toast after winning the first game of the season. Harry turned to me.

"Wow, you were great out there y/n."

"You too, Harry," I responded. I grinned foolishly and said, "I had no idea that mouth to mouth with the snitch was an option. Lucky snitch..."

Harry turned red, catching the end of my sentence. "Y/n! Snitches don't have mouths. I just swallowed it, I didn't kiss it!"

"I know, I know. I was just poking fun at you."

Harry sighed. Then, he perked up. "I think Snape jinxed my broom. I'm taking Ron and Hermione with me to talk to him about it. Want to come?"

"Sure I'll come. But I don't think it was—" I was about to tell him it was Quirrell, but he cut me off.

"Great. Let's go, right now's the perfect time," he said.

"Wait, what? I didn't think we would do it this soon."

"The sooner the better." I trailed behind Harry as he got Hermione and Ron. The four of us traveled down to Hagrid's hut, and he was outfront.

"How are ye guys doin'?" Hagrid asked cheerfully.

"Quite well, Hagrid. After all, Gryffindor won the match!" I said excitedly.

"I saw that! One hell of a game I'll tell you. Congrats!" Hagrid replied.

"Speaking of the game," Harry cut in, "it was truly hellish for me."

Hermione walked towards Hagrid and said, "We think Professor Snape jinxed Harry's broom during the game."

Hagrid sighed. "Come inside and let's talk more." All of us followed him in. Once we all sat down, Hagrid said, "I can guarantee ya it wasn't Snape."

"But all signs lead to him! He's also probably trying to get past that three-headed dog!" Harry exclaimed.

"Three-headed dog? You mean Fluffy?" Hagrid said. A look of panic washed over his face, "I wasn't s'posed to say that. You heard nothin', ya hear me?" Hagrid stood.

"But Hagrid—" Ron tried to protest.

"Ya should all go back to yer dorm. It's gettin' late." Hagrid opened the door, and the four of us reluctantly walked out.

"Hagrid knows something about what's being guarded. And Snape is after it," Harry said.

"Well, not like we can find anything out or follow anyone," I said, trying to discourage them from investigating more.

Sadly, it didn't work when Hermione came up with an idea and said, "That's it! We'll find out more by getting Hagrid to accidentally spill information, and we'll find a way to follow Snape! You're brilliant y/n!"

I groaned internally. She sure was something. 

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