Chapter 38- Rescue

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"So, where to?" Fred asked as we walked away from Gringotts towards a random direction.

I tried to recall the shops that were in Diagon Alley, but my brain failed me. I shrugged and said, "I dunno..."

Suddenly, I remembered a tiny detail from the second book, when Harry bought ice cream. "Actually, let's get ice cream! It's on me."

"To Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor! Sweet!" George exclaimed, and he took charge, leading us in the right direction.

Fred looked at me and grinned. "Get it? Sweet." I smacked him on the shoulder and he yelled, "Ow! You hit just like Mum!"

"Your jokes will be the death of you one day," I said, sighing. We finally reached a shop that said, "Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor," and the twins walked in excitedly.

There was a large selection of ice cream, and many flavors that were much different from what was offered in the muggle world.

Fred walked up to the register and said, "Can I get the '10 seconds' ice cream please?"

"One for me too!" George exclaimed.

They both turned back to me and asked, "What about you Y/n?"

First of all, what the hell was the flavor called '10 Seconds'?! Second, how did they order so quickly with so many options to choose from? Sometimes the twins did still surprise me.

" you by any chance have plain old vanilla?" I asked.

Fred, George, and the cashier's faces dropped like stones. They looked at me as if I was a bizarre person from another world (which is in fact, exactly what I am).

"So...2 10 second ice creams and one boring vanilla? I'll make that right now for you three," the cashier said, emphasizing the word boring. Ouch.

We received our ice cream and left the shop. Between licks I asked Fred and George, "So, what exactly is the '10 Seconds' ice cream that you got?"

"It's an ice cream that changes flavors every 10 seconds! Ooh George, I just got earwax!" Fred said.

"It's kind of like Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans except in ice cream form," George explained.

"How does that even work?" I asked in disbelief.

They both shrugged and said simultaneously, "I dunno, magic."

Across the way was a shop that had pets displayed in the front windows. I couldn't help but slow my walking down as I observed. I had never actually owned my own pet before. The only pet my family in this world had was our owl, that lived in a separate house in the backyard.
"Do you want to go in?" George asked with a small smile. I nodded my head and we headed into the shop called, "Magical Menagerie". After seeing the name, I remembered that it was the place where Hermione purchased Crookshanks.

We walked in and were hit with a wave of sounds from all kinds of animals. There were owls screeching, cats hissing, rats squeaking, and toads croaked. It sounded like chaos. I walked slowly around the shop, observing all the pets it had to offer. I looked and saw that they sold ferrets, which made me laugh and reminded me of Draco. If there was anything I wasn't preventing, that would be seeing Barty Crouch Jr. disguised as Mad-Eye Moody turning Draco Malfoy into a scurrying ferret. After that happened, I would absolutely have to come back to Magical Menagerie and purchase a ferret, just to tease him.

There were so many other animals offered like puffskeins, fire crabs, kneazles, nifflers, and even adorable little pygmy puffs! I wanted to buy the entire shop. Honestly, I probably could with all the money I just found out my family had. But if I did buy all of them, I would probably have to buy a mansion in order to store them all...Wait, am I actually considering this?!

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now