Chapter 40- The Trip to Hogwarts

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 To my dismay, summer was now ending and my time at the Burrow was running out. I was really excited to go back to Hogwarts and see Hermione, Cedric, Mattheo, Draco, and Neville.

The night before we had to leave, Molly cooked the most wonderful dinner ever that I almost wanted to compare to a Hogwarts feast. Fred and George set off Filibuster fireworks in the kitchen that filled the room with red and blue that bounced up and down from the ceiling. Finally, it was time for a final mug of hot chocolate and then we all went to bed.

Ginny and I both couldn't sleep even after all the lights in the house were dark. She quietly asked me, "How did you feel your first year?"

"Well, I was extremely nervous. It was more so because I was scared of what house I would be sorted into. It was all a roller coaster alongside Harry, Hermione, and Ron."

"Uh, what's a rollercoaster?" Ginny asked. Did she not know what that was?

"Hmm, it's a thing commonly found in muggle theme parks. It's something you ride that can have many slopes, dips, and loops. Roller Coasters are wild and can be unpredictable if it's your first time on one," I explained.

"That sounds...scary."

"Most people are afraid of the unknown, Ginny. In fact, I am too."

"But you seem like you know everything y/n! I haven't seen you afraid of anything before," Ginny exclaimed. She joked, "Do you just know everything about the world? Have you memorized or read some book or script about how everything is supposed to go?"

Even though it was a joke, I still swallowed in fear. I laughed it off and said, "Pfft, no way! I don't know how everything goes. I more of have stuff pre-planned in my head and life somehow goes with it most of the time. There are some times when it doesn't go as I planned though..." Like how Fred, George, and I were attacked in Knockturn Alley. Or how there was a prophecy about me and my parents knowing James and Lily. There were a few things that left me scared because I had no book to guide me on the outcome of situations. That was the unknown I was afraid of.

"Is there anything to be afraid of at Hogwarts?" Ginny asked, moving on from the other subject.

"No," I stated firmly. I smiled and said, "Because I'm there to protect you. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise." I meant my promise. If it meant somehow being possessed by the diary in Ginny's place, I would do it. If it meant getting hurt for Ginny, I'd do it all in a heartbeat.
Ginny giggled and said, "Thanks y/n. I feel better about starting school now."

"I'm glad," I laughed.

"So, how are you feeling? About going back to school?"

"I'm excited to see my friends but I'm also scared..." I trailed off.

"About what Y/n?"

"About the rumors Gilderoy Lockhart started. I wonder how all my friends will react and if it'll be negative. I'm going to have to find a way to convince literally everyone in school that YeahHarry and I aren't dating. It might also be hard since some people might not believe me or think that I'm trying to 'cover it up'."

"Well, you could always just date Harry. That'd solve everything," Ginny said, surprising me.

"Date Harry?! Are you serious?" I exclaimed, shooting up from the mattress to look at Ginny.

"No, I meant like fake date him. Y'know like in books? Everyone will believe that and it'll be easier than you guys trying to convince the school. You guys could  pretend to date the first week or two and then stage a dramatic break-up!"

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