Chapter 6- Draco Malfoy

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I exited the potions classroom, extremely giddy. My chipper mood was quickly ruined as a familiar annoying voice called out, "L/n!"

I turned with RBF on my face, and was met face to face with Draco Malfoy. I groaned, "What do you want, Malfoy?"

"I wanted to remind you that you are stupid and Professor Snape was in a good mood. He doesn't like you at all."

"Look Malfoy, I don't want to waste my time if you're here to insult me and boost your fragile little ego," I said. I turned around, about to walk away, when he suddenly grabbed my hand and spun me back towards him.

"Wait!" He pleaded. I was about to wrench my hand free, but then I saw how Malfoy's face looked. His face had a pleading look on it, and he seemed vulnerable and exposed. I felt bad, and decided to hear him out.

"Look, I was really confused about potions, and you seemed pretty knowledgeable, so could you...tutor me?" He asked. I stared at Malfoy, dumbfounded.

"You do realize that today was the first day and we didn't even have any homework assigned? How can you ask someone to tutor you after a day of classes?"

Malfoy's face flushed, as he had not taken that into consideration. "Fine, if I'm still struggling a month from now, could you tutor me?" He asked.

I nodded my head gently. A small smile broke onto Malfoy's face, but then he hid it quickly. "I'll...see you around I guess?" He said, then turned and walked away.

I stood still and silent for a moment, wondering about what the heck that had been about.


That night at the Great Hall, as I walked over to my friends, I spotted Draco Malfoy. Strangely enough, he was staring at me. When the two of us made eye contact, Draco raised his hand and gave a slight wave. I had no idea what to do, so I pretended not to notice and continued walking over to my friends.

As I ate, I heard footsteps rush over towards me. I turned my head to be met with a boiling Draco Malfoy. I looked over at my friends, who were just as confused as I was. "I need to step out for a bit," I told them, then I got up and walked out of the Great Hall, Malfoy trailing behind.

Once out, I pulled Malfoy into a dark corner in one of the hallways. "What the hell was that about?!" I asked him angrily.

"I should be the one asking you that!" He responded furiously.

"What did I even do-"

"YOU DIDN'T WAVE BACK!" He exclaimed, which shocked me. I stood stunned for a moment, before starting to giggle maniacally.

"Wait so let me get this straight," I said, "you're mad because I didn't wave back?"

Draco was very bashful, but he still nodded his head. "I thought we knew each other enough to wave."

"You never said you wanted to be friends with me, Malfoy."

"Well L/n, I would like to be your friend," Draco stated confidently. "That is, if you would let me?"

"Hmm, I don't know..." I said, teasing him. He looked at me hopefully. "Fine, I'll be your friend, Malfoy." He pumped his fists in excitement.

Draco soon regained his annoying and snobby attitude, now that his problems were over. "You could've made this much easier for both of us L/n. Also, I used tutoring as an excuse. I don't need someone not as smart as me for a tutor, so I'm calling it off."

I shook my head, laughing as Draco attempted to angrily stride away, but soon failed as his walk became happy.

I returned to my friends, and Harry asked, "What was that about?"

I smiled, looking at Draco, then I turned back to Harry. "Nothing, just someone being childish and learning how to actually make friends."


A/n: Apologies for this extremely short chapter and the ones up coming. I'm trying to include a chapter for each character so I can introduce them, and once all 7 are introduced I will return the storyline.

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