Chapter 3- Becoming the Golden Quartet?!

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"Do you mind if I sit here?" I asked the two surprised boys.

They stared at me for a moment before Harry said, "Go ahead. The more the merrier!" I couldn't stop grinning. I had just talked to Harry Potter! I walked inside and plopped down next to him.

"If I'm not mistaken, you said that you're Harry Potter right?" I asked, trying to pretend that I had no idea who he was or what his future was going to be.

"That's right," he said, turning and smiling at me. His smile was adorable, with his dimples helping enhance the cuteness. His green eyes were reflective and sparkly, and his untidy black hair made me want to put my hand on his head and ruffle it. His lightning scar wasn't very visible, but being a reader, I knew the exact spot on his head to look at to see a sliver peaking in between his messy bangs.

I shook myself out of my daze. "I'm Y/n L/n," I introduced, extending my hand. He extended his and shook mine, and I had to stop myself from reacting strangely. I had just shaken hands with Harry Potter! His hand was comfy and warm, and I wished I could hold it longer.

Ron cleared his throat, startling both Harry and I who were looking deep into each other's eyes. "I'm Ron Weasley," he said, extending his hand towards me. I shook his hand gently. I had shaken the hands of 2 out of 3 members of the Golden Trio! I smiled brightly.

"It's nice to meet both of you!" I exclaimed.

"It's nice to meet you too y/n," Harry said, gazing deep into my eyes again. "I hope that we can be good friends."

"Wait a minute..." I heard Ron say. I turned my head, and saw that he was pointing at me. Or more specifically, the number 7 birthmark on the back of my left hand. "Is that a 7?" Ron asked.

"Um...yeah? I was born with a birthmark in the number 7."

"You're the girl from the prophecy!" Ron exclaimed. I stared at him with a WTF look on my face. This was the first time I had ever heard of another prophecy existing in the Harry Potter universe. There was also no way the prophecy could be about me, because I was a reader that didn't have a pre-existing role.

"Now that I think about it...your accent is a bit funny," Ron said. "That must be what that line means!"

"Okay wait, slow down," I said. "What do you mean 'prophecy'? What is the prophecy, and why do you think it's about me?" I asked, confused and panicked.

"You really haven't heard of it?" Ron asked stupidly. I stared at him, and my look answered his question. "Okay, okay, I'll tell you the prophecy."

When the Wizarding World begins to fall,

A girl can save us all.

She comes from another world,

And bears the 7 on her left hand.

She is the light that makes up the lightning.

The fate of our world is dependent on her.

Once the phoenix emerges,

She must choose the path of worlds that diverges.

I listened to the prophecy Ron recited. All of the details describing the girl pointed to me, and I was kind of freaked out. This meant that I wouldn't know the exact future anymore, since things were already being altered by my presence.

Ron decided to point out why it could be me. "You have the 7 on your left hand, and I think that you are from America, which I guess in some cases could be considered another world? Because there's so many muggles there?"

I stared at Ron, about to tell him that I was literally from another world, but then stopped. I nodded, pretending to agree with Ron.


I smiled at Ron while he prepared to show Harry and I magic, but I was internally panicking. Then, I heard light and delicate but also assertive footsteps coming towards our compartment. That could only be one person...Hermione Granger!

Sure enough, Hermione popped her head through the compartment door. "Have any of you seen a toad around here? A boy named Neville lost his and I'm helping him find it," she stated. She then looked over at Ron, who had his wand poised towards his rat, Scabbers.

"Ooo, are you doing magic?" She asked excitedly. "Well then, let's see it!"

Ron cleared his throat then said, "Sunshine, daisies, butter mellow, turn this stupid fat rat yellow!" Hermione and Harry waited for something to happen, but as a reader I knew that the outcome would not be any magic.

Hermione sighed in disappointment. "That's not magic." She began walking in, towards Harry. "I only know a few spells myself." She stopped in front of him and pointed her wand directly at his face, near the bridge of his glasses. Harry looked frightened, and I suddenly grabbed his hand to reassure him, since I knew full well Hermione was not doing any harm to him. "Oculus Reparo!"

And just like that, Harry's glasses were fixed. "You must be Harry Potter. I'm Hermione Granger," she said as she sat across from me.

"Uh, I'm Ron!" Ron said, earning a pitiful look from Hermione. I giggled, and Hermione turned her attention towards me.

"Who are you? You seem very quiet-" She cut herself off as she stared at the book in my hands. "Oh my gosh, is that The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2?!"

I blushed, embarrassed to admit that I was a nerd. "Um, yeah. I already memorized the spells from Grade 1, so I moved on to Grade 2 on my own."

Hermione gushed, "That's amazing! It's nice to know there's someone else who likes to study and is hardworking! I hope we can be friends..." she trailed off, an indication she didn't know my name.
"Oh, I'm y/n!" I said happily, extending my hand.

"It was lovely meeting you y/n, and I hope to see you more in the future!"

"Likewise, Hermione."
She then stood up and began to walk out. "Now, if you excuse me I need to go find that toad!" Once her bushy brown hair was out of sight, I went straight to matchmaking.

As a reader, I had always sensed the tension and romance between Hermione and Ron WAYYYYYY before they kissed. I decided that to make things easier, I would push their romance to start earlier.

"Wow, wasn't she amazing Ron?" I asked, trying to make him interested in her.

"I don't know, she seemed kind of high and mighty, and kind of a know-it-all."

"But she was very pretty, right?"

"Mmm, I guess so? Anyways, are you going to stop the PDA or what?"

I looked at Ron, confused, and then I felt someone's hand squeeze my left hand. Oh. I was still holding Harry's hand. I glanced at him as he looked out the window, and I saw a tinge of red on his ear.

I quickly let go of his hand, feeling my own cheeks redden, and then I opened my book back up and began to study the spells.

Suddenly, I realized what I had done. I had just become friends with the whole Golden Trio, which meant that they, including me, were now the Golden Quartet! Score! I was literally living the life every Harry Potter reader wanted.

I smiled to myself, not noticing the longing look Harry gave my hand, as I read my book for the rest of the trip.

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