Chapter 7- Cedric Diggory

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It was a dark and stormy day as I strode down the hall. It had been about a week since the incident with Draco, and nothing noteworthy had happened thus far. I forgot that there were many week and month long time skips in the books, and since I was actually living in the world, I had to go through every single day even if it wasn't in the story.

As I walked, I encountered a group of older Hufflepuff boys hanging out and taking up a lot of space. Because of my slight awkwardness, I decided to avoid conversation and tried to squeeze through. Once I was almost through the group, I bumped into a boy. So much for not interacting. "I'm sorry," I said quickly as I put my head down and quickened my pace.

"It's fine," I heard a gentle voice say. Crap. I had bumped into Cedric Diggory. As I walked away faster, I heard him call out, "Wait! You're Y/n, right?" I froze in my tracks, and slowly turned around. He walked towards me, and I was met face to face with the dashing Cedric Diggory. My heart skipped a beat a little, and I had to stop myself from reddening.

"Yes, I'm Y/n!" I said, accidentally sounding a little too excited.

Cedric laughed. "I've heard a lot about you." He extended his hand toward me. "I'm Cedric. Diggory."

I shook his hand, excitement coursing throughout my entire body. "It's a pleasure to meet you, but I really need to get to class," I said.

"Alright then," Cedric said, sounding disappointed. As I turned to walk away, Cedric grasped my hand. "Umm, if you'd like, could I help you with some of your homework? After all, I have already done that stuff before. I could help you get ahead."

I raised an eyebrow. "What's your ulterior motive here?" I asked.

He laughed. "The rumors were right, you are quite sharp. I wanted to get to know you better, you sound like an interesting person."

Mymheart thumped again. It was a justified reaction, as the cutest boy in Hogwarts had just told me he wanted to get to know me. "Sure. Stop by the dorm sometime and we can plan some study days."

His smile brightened. "That sounds good. I'll let you be on your way. It was nice meeting you Y/n."

"You too Cedric." I walked away, a faint blush tickling my cheeks. When I was far enough away, I grinned ear to ear.

Damn, I had to admit, I've got some impeccable rizz.

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