Chapter 29- The Burrow

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After packing the last of my bag I went downstairs to the room with the fireplace. The Weasley's had invited me to The Burrow, and I was going to stay there overnight. Even though I am a big Harry Potter fan, sometimes I do forget details now and then. Like, how I totally forgot that floo powder was a thing. I didn't remember until Fred and George both told me to travel here using floo powder, which was honestly much easier than apparating, flying, or motorcycling,

"You all set love?" My mom asked.

"Yeah," I said, smiling at her. She trusted the Weasley's enough because she had gone to school with Molly Weasley at one point and she knew Molly was sweet, which had to have meant she raised her kids to be the same way.

"Well, I'll toss the powder into the fire now. Remember, be very clear when you're saying your destination. You don't want to accidentally end up somewhere you don't intend to be. Speaking of that, do you have your wand with you in case it happens?"
"Yes mom," I said, rolling my eyes.

She smiled and planted a quick kiss on my forehead. My dad walked over and did the same.

"Be safe y/n," my dad said. I nodded, and then my mom threw the floo powder into the fire.

I stepped towards it and took one last look at my parents. "Bye mom and dad," I whispered.The fire turned an emerald green and rose extremely high. I then stepped into the fire and yelled, "The Weasley's Burrow!"

Faster than apparating and flying on a broomstick, I was transported inside of the Weasley's home. I popped right out of their fireplace, where the entire family was waiting.
Fred looked me straight in the eye and grinned, saying, "About time."


Since it was around lunchtime, Molly sat all of us down and prepared food. She made a delicious homemade chicken pot pie with a nice doughy and crunchy crust. It smelt amazing, but it tasted even better. As I shoveled the delicious pie into my mouth, Molly began to speak to me.

"It's so nice to finally have you here y/n! Fred and George talk about you so much, it's like I've known you since birth!"

Fred and George both turned the same shade of red and shouted, "Mom!"

I coughed and I could feel my cheeks begin to burn. "They...they do?" I asked, taken aback.

"Of course they do, Dear! Oh, I have the letter they each sent to me when you got hurt. They were both worried sick, they probably needed to go to the infirmary more than you did! Fred talks about how kind you are all the time and George is always blabbing about how you think his knock knock jokes are funny and how brilliant you are. Both of my boys really like you y/n!" Molly said happily.

The twins and I became silent, an embarrassment showing from all of us. The rest of lunch we ate in silence, and I didn't dare look at either twin. It was nice being their friend, but knowing that they both talked about me made me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Hearing that they talked about me to their mom made me feel like I mattered to them, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. I'm sure if I looked at either twin now, I wouldn't be able to look away again and I'd probably start doing dumb things.

After lunch, Molly showed me the room I would be staying the night in, which was Ginny's room. There was a mattress with a sleeping bag on top of it right next to the bed. I assumed that was where I wqs going to be sleeping, so I set myself down on it.

A delicate pair of footsteps came rushing in. I looked up and watched as Ginny moved my stuff off of the mattress and onto the bed.

She turned to me and said, "Mum said you're supposed to get the bed. I get the mattress."

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now