Chapter 22- The Trials to Get to the Stone

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We swung the door open and creeped in quietly, careful not to awake the sleeping beast. Ha, I guess if you used the school's motto we were trying not to, "tickle a sleeping dragon". The melodic sound of a harp filled our ears as we entered the room. The sound was so rich and beautiful, I even wanted to fall asleep listening to it. But I couldn't. We all had a mission, to stop the stone from being stolen and falling into the hands of Voldy the Baldy—I mean, Voldemort.

"Looks like Snape was already here," Harry said, gesturing towards the harp. We all began looking around the room, and then Hermione spotted the trap door.

"Look, there's a trap door!" She said just as the music suddenly came to a stop.

I paused for a moment, realizing what was about to happen. "Guys...the music just stopped," I whispered in an urgent and worried tone. Drips of slobber sounded from directly behind us, and then a big wad of drool dripped in front of us.
"I don't think that's a ceiling leak," Ron whispered. We all turned our heads at the same time to be met face to face with the three-headed Cerberus-like dog, Fluffy. Fluffy let out a low and powerful growl that blew all of our hair out of our faces, and then we all began to scream madly.

"Get to the trapdoor!" I screamed as we all ran for our lives. We opened the door and all jumped down just as Fluffy was about to get us.

We all were panting heavily from fear and Ron said, "Well, at least we escaped. Now...where are we?"

I felt like I was being squeezed by some force, and I instantly knew that it was the Devil's Snare. I heard the sounds of the others struggling, not knowing what was going on. Just as I was about to say something, Hermione came to a realization and beat me to it.

"It's Devil's Snare," she said, trying to calm down.

"What the bloody hell is that?!" Ron asked, beginning to get frantic and panicking.

"Stop squirming Ronald, it'll only kill you faster!"

"Kill me faster?" Ron asked, horrified.

"Relax!" Hermione shouted at him.

"How am I supposed to relax with the situation I'm in? I'm about to die, Hermione! We all are!" He screamed back. Just as Hermione was about to say something back to him, she fell through and disappeared from our eyesight. "Hermione? Hermione?!" Ron screeched like someone searching for something they cared about. The worry in his voice was super evident, and I just hoped I could get them to date even quicker.

"I'm down here you dimwit," Hermione's voice sounded from below. "Now relax, like I told you to!" Harry and I both relaxed and loosened our muscles, and then we fell through the Devil's Snare. Harry fell first, and as we fell towards the ground, I got closer and closer to him. Harry hit the ground on his bottom, and then I landed facing downwards straight on top of him and he let out a loud, "Oof."

I slowly lifted my head from the crook of his neck and I was face to face with him, our faces only inches apart and me on top. We both hitched our breaths for a moment as we stared deeply into each other's eyes. I contemplated getting up, but I also thought it would be awkward and I kind of liked this a little bit. Just as I might have leaned in, Ron screamed, still stuck.

"Where are you guys?" He screamed.

"Relax, Ron!" Hermione screamed back. I got off of Harry and helped him up as Hermione was trying to instruct Ron.

"He's not going to relax, Hermione. We need to burn a hole," I said.

"Burn a hole?! WHAT IF IT BURNS ME TOO?!" Ron yelled, panicked.

"Dammit, what does Devil's Snare react to..." Hermione whispered to herself, trying to recall.

"Light," I answered for her. She began to pull her wand out but I stopped her and said, "I've got it."

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now