Chapter 25- Shopping with Draco

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After getting up this morning, I spent all my time mentally preparing myself to spend the day with Malfoy. We were going on a shopping trip for him to flaunt his wealth and I had to ensure that I was as nice to him as possible and put up with his bratty attitude.

I'd already sent Draco a letter back containing the address of my home so he could easily apparate to my house. For some reason, he didn't want me to just apparate to Malfoy Manor and he instead wanted to apparate to my house and then apparate back to his to then go shopping.

As I finished getting ready, a loud and firm knock sounded at the door. My parents weren't home currently, so it was just me in the house. Since I was upstairs, it took me a little while to get down and answer the door quickly.

And since I took a little too long to get down, Draco began to assume his bratty and impatient personality. Since he also considered me a friend, it was mixed with worry. He began pounding his fists on the door frantically and yelling out for me.

"Y/N! Y/N! Are you in there? Are you dead? Crap, I better call the Ministry then! Y/N! ANSWER ME!!!!!" Draco screamed. I dashed towards the door and yanked it open while Draco was in mid-knock.

Since he was mid-knock and I had opened the door so quickly, his fist went flying towards my face. My self defense instincts kicked in and I grabbed his fist, turning him around facing away from me and pulling him down.

Draco screamed, a high-pitched girl scream, as I dragged him down. We spent a few seconds on the ground before I realized what was happening. I quickly threw Draco off of me and got up, lending my hand to him. He swatted it away angrily as he got up and dusted his clothes off. Great, this day with him was already starting amazingly.

"If I knew you'd greet me like that, I wouldn't have come," he huffed angrily. "But, good self-defense. You reacted quickly."

"Yeah, I have good instincts and speed," I responded, drinking in his praise. "So, off to your house?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Here, grab my hand." I grabbed his hand and he pointed his wand, and then we were whisked away to another place. I looked around and saw the walls of an extravagant yet dark house. We were on the outside, out front, and I could see that the door was painted an ominous black. Huh, fitting for the Malfoy family.

"So, how are we getting there?" I asked, turning to Draco. He smiled and turned around, gesturing to behind us. I turned around and there I saw a fancy black carriage with doors open. I looked to the front of the carriage and strangely enough, I saw thestrals were pulling it. Strange, it's not like I'd seen or experienced any bad deaths. Except for Professor Quirrell's. Maybe that was it?

"No, that's not it." Hikari's voice suddenly came through to me. I hadn't heard from her in a while. "You're a reader, so you've read, watched, and vividly experienced characters' deaths. You have experienced the most death out of all the characters at this current time." Hikari was right. I'd experienced the most death out of all the characters so far, which pained me to think about. I hoped none of them would have to suffer seeing someone die, which was why I was here to stop it.

I was shaken from my thoughts as Draco opened the door and extended his hand out to me, like a proper gentleman. At least there was something that wasn't annoying about him. I took his hand and stepped up into the carriage. Inside there were black leather seats, supporting the vibe the Malfoy family and their house gave off. Draco got in and instead of sitting across from me, he sat directly next to me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, surprised and uncomfortable.

"Sitting down?" Draco responded, confused.

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