Chapter 24- Letters

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As my parents and I walked through the door of our house, my dad stopped me in my tracks to question me.

"Y/n, are you being bullied? Those 7 boys surrounding you were awfully suspicious. Were they pressuring you to do anything? God, they probably were! Tell me who their parents are, I'll speak to them—"

"D/N(Dad's name) L/N!" My mom shouted, scolding my father. She walked over and smacked him on the arm, causing him to wince. "How was your first year at Hogwarts honey? Come, let's go somewhere private and you can tell me all about it."

My mom and I walked upstairs to my room, and my dad tried to follow, but was quickly shut down by my mom. She sat on my bed and then patted the spot next to her, which I walked over and sat on.

"So, who were those boys?" My mom asked, intrigued.

"Umm, just friends?" I replied, earning a disappointed look from my mom.

"Well, who are they? Anyone I might know?"

"Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Cedric Diggory, Neville Longbottom, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, and Mattheo Riddle."

My mom's eyes twinkled with delight. "You've got yourself quite the catch. You have what they call...W Rizz, right?"

I could feel my face flush. "Mom, it's not like that, they're all friends! Just friends!"

"For now," she said, smirking. "So, which one do you think is the most good looking? Rank them!"

I thought long and hard and I realized it was pretty hard for me to do. I liked all of them, as friends, equally. None seemed more or less attractive than anyone else. I did know of course that other people would beg to differ, but I couldn't really rank them right now.

"I can't rank them," I finally told my mother.

"Well, what about that tall one? The Hufflepuff. He was quite handsome, wasn't he? I say you should try and date him," my mom encouraged.

"What?! Cedric? No! He's a friend mom, and he's only going to be a third year student next year! And I'll be a second year student! We're both too young!"

"Well, then just date all of them! You could have a harem!" My mom suggested, laughing at how flustered I was becoming. I didn't respond, my face tomato red. My mom laughed and wrapped her arm around me.

"Honestly, if you do or don't date any or all of them it's still okay. What's important is your happiness. Heck, if you decide to date Lovegood's daughter I'd be okay with it if she made you happy. You are my one and only beloved child, and your happiness matters the most."

I smiled. "Thanks mom."

I leaned into her shoulder and we stayed like that for a moment, before my dad called and said, "Y/n! You've got a ton of mail!"

As I walked down the stairs I sighed and asked, "Are there 7 letters for me?"

"Precisely!" My dad said as I entered the kitchen. "How did you know?"

"Lucky guess," I replied, internally rolling my eyes at how quickly all the boys had sent me letters. I took the pile in my hand and went up to my room, wanting privacy. I could not have my dad reading them and seeing whatever the hell they all wrote.

The order of the letters went Draco, Harry, Cedric, Mattheo, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, and last but not least, Neville's letter.

I was praying that each of them had only written at most a page or two so that I wouldn't have to be reading too much.

As I opened Draco's letter to read it, I sighed, seeing that it contained three pages. Of course he had written a lot.

Dear y/n,

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now