Chapter 36- Blood Traitor

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 Draco's eyes lit up when he saw me, but then he looked at his father who had a cold and unimpressed gazed. The excitement in Draco's eyes dimmed and he looked down at his feet. I felt so bad for him. I was about to start pretending to be interested in other items when Lucius Malfoy suddenly cleared his throat. I looked up at him nervously and he looked down at me with his cold, gray eyes.

He stood there in silence, as if waiting for me to say something. I tilted my head to the side and awkwardly waved. "H-hi?" I stammered. Lucius' eyes seemed to narrow even more.

A strangely tense silence hung in the air as I waited for Lucius or Draco to say something, anything. The silence was finally broken when Lucius turned his head to look at Draco and said, "Do you know this...young lady, no— this girl?" I felt like Lucius was calling me a girl instead of a 'young lady' in order to knock over my pride and belittle me. Well jokes on you old loser, I don't crack that easily when it comes to rich, snobby, poor-excuse-of-a-father people.

Draco glanced briefly at his father's eyes and then looked back down. "...yes I do father."

"From where?"

"School, father."

Lucius' eyes roamed over me, judging everything about me. "They let anyone into Hogwarts now, don't they? Even people who can't afford to dress nicely."

Oh boy, he was definitely picking a fight with me. I looked down at what I was wearing and realized that it was clothes I'd borrowed from Ginny, which probably had belonged to all of her brothers at one point. The clothes were dirty and covered in soot from traveling by floo powder, which made me realize that I was not dressed nicely.

"Ah, she cannot afford decent clothes but she can afford that beautiful phoenix necklace?" I watched as his eyes zeroed in on the phoenix necklace Draco had gotten me when we went on our little shopping trip. "My, there are so many diamonds on that necklace," Lucius said, slowly approaching me and reaching out. I began to back up. "What money did you buy this with? Or stole it?"

I scoffed in disbelief. "Sir, how could you possibly—"

"Did I let you speak?" Lucius said in a commanding tone. Oh this bitch was even worse than the books and movies. I hated this man ten times more now. I angrily put my head down, clenching my fist. I wanted to just sock him in the face so bad. Lucius made it even worse by adding in a condescending tone, "That's right. Bow your head down and wait for me to tell you to speak, girl."

That had done it. I lifted my head up, expressing all my anger on my face. I began to take slow, threatening steps towards Lucius this time. "I have the right to speak wherever and whenever I want. You cannot tell me whether or not I may, even if you hold any position of power. And besides, if you do have power you probably didn't earn it rightfully. People like you always gloat and flaunt their power when you really don't deserve a shred of it. So, don't tell me what to do, boy."

Lucius became very, very angry when I called him 'boy'. Serves him right. I noticed as Lucius began to reach the part of his staff where his wand was. I scoffed and said, "Wow, really? You're contemplating using magic against me just because I talked back to you? What, because I didn't give you the treatment everyone else does that you think you deserve? Is it because I wounded your sad pride? I had no idea you would stoop that low." Even though me talking back to Lucius would probably seem really cringy in some sort of fan fic or book, I felt powerful telling him all the things I would yell at the TV screen. It felt so empowering being able to yell at him in person, with him standing right in front of me, and even getting angry!

I opened my mouth and was about to try to diss Lucius even more when Draco cut in and said, "L/n, that's enough." I looked at him, surprised. He had just called me by my last name, not my first name. Just like how he addresses everyone else. It stung a little bit, because it showed that Draco didn't want to seem fond of me in his father's presence.

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