Chapter 4- Sorting

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Disclaimer: You will be sorted into Gryffindor because you are friends with the Golden Trio. Apologies to all Hufflepuffs, Ravenclaws, and Slytherins!

After the train had stopped, all the students were led off of it and to the boats by Hagrid. He helped guide everyone to the castle, and I was super excited to see him in person. He was much taller than depicted in the movies, being around 11-12 feet tall rather than 8 feet. Sheesh, if that was a half giant, a real giant would be...Well, giant! (haha I'm bad at puns.)

Once inside the castle, I waited in anticipation for the first antagonist, Draco Malfoy to finally make an appearance. Despite being an arse, I thought that maybe I could change him as a reader.

"I'm Draco, Draco Malfoy." I heard a voice say. I turned my head towards Harry's direction, and sure enough, there was that over gelled, blonde headed brat leaning against the pillar like he thought he was super important. Which he did actually think probably.

I walked over in the direction, eager to give him a taste of my own mind. Just as he was lecturing Harry on friends, I stepped in the conversation.

"Are you that lonely Malfoy?" I taunted, grinning. He stared at me in shock, along with Harry. I continued, wanting to push Draco to the point where he would deliver his famous line. "If you want friends, you have to ask politely. Didn't your Mommy and Daddy teach you that?" Malfoy's face began to grow incredibly red,and he twisted in anger. I could see he was practically at his breaking point.

"Who are you, you filthy rat?" He asked, with venom in his voice.

I smirked. "Y/n L/n, your worst nightmare. Pleasure to meet you brat." I heard collective gasps around me. Finally, Malfoy lost it.


And there it was, Draco's infamous line. I chuckled, pleased I had won and made him upset. I decided to go even further, since tormenting him was very enjoyable. "Yes, go tell on me to your Daddy. I'm sure he'll do anything for his sweet little princess."

"I AM NOT A PRINCESS!" Draco screeched, and I knew that I'd pushed another button. I created a mental note to call him "princess" every time I wanted to really get on his nerves.
Suddenly, Draco pulled his wand out. "You might win with words, but you'll never win in a duel with a great wizard like me!" He exclaimed. I smirked, about to pull my wand out and knock him flat on his bottom, when Professor McGonagall opened the Great Hall doors, forcing us both to save it for later. Malfoy shot me a look full of spite and hatred, and I returned the favor by giving him the finger.

I walked into the Great Hall with the other students. Despite how cool it was, the movie had not brought the Great Hall justice. The Great Hall was absolutely massive, and the ceilings seemed to be as far away as the sky was. The dark night sky swirled endlessly above, and I swore I'd seen a shooting star. There were candles hanging down too, with wax dripping, but the candle never grew shorter.

As everyone was called up and got sorted into their respective houses, I stood nervously. The one thing I wasn't prepared for was sorting. I had taken plenty of online quizzes, but they each came out differently. I hoped though that I would be sorted into the house with my new trio of friends.
"Y/n L/n!" I heard McGonagall's refined voice announce. I walked to the sorting hat, clenching and unclenching my fists. I sat down, and the hat was placed over my head. I shut my eyes, scared.

"Why are you so scared? You are supposed to be the most powerful in years to come," the sorting hat spoke.

"What do you mean most powerful?" I asked, curious.

"You're the prophesied one, bearing the 7. You'll be the most powerful, since you're the phoenix." What the heck was with phoenixes? "I'll get back to sorting your house," the hat said, sensing my disinterest and confusion. " possess qualities of every house but you seem very ambitious. Oh? What's this? Haha, that was an amazing argument with that boy. Very brave of you to step up to him. Hmm, shall be...GRYFFINDOR!"

My eyes flew open as the Gryffindor table cheered. I smiled, and ran over to where Harry was. I sat down next to him, then he suddenly embraced me.

"Good job y/n! I was hoping we'd both be in the same house!" I could feel my heart begin to beat fast, at a very rapid pace. He let go of me, and we both locked eyes for a solid minute, before Dumbledore gave his speech. After the speech, the food appeared, and we gorged on all of the delicious options.

Finally, the Head Girl of Gryffindor led me to my dorm, and I was happy to see that I shared a room with Hermione Granger.

We both ran up to each other and jumped excitedly.

"I can't wait to become besties with you!" I exclaimed.

"Me too!"

I smiled, happy that my life in the Wizarding World had been going pretty great so far. I laid down on my bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

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