Chapter 16- Mirror of the Erised(2)

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 The next day, I woke up and went down to the Common Room. Harry was talking to Ron, and he seemed very excited and animated. I groggily walked over to them, still in my pajamas and unbrushed hair.

"What are you so excited about this early in the morning?" I asked Harry, yawning loudly.

Harry turned towards me and I could see the light and excitement shining brightly in his eyes. "I'm telling Ron about the mirror we found last night! I told Ron about how it shows your true desire, and how I saw my parents," Harry explained to me.

Ron swiveled his head towards me suspiciously. "Speaking of 'desires'," Ron began, "what was your desire y/n?" Ron was genuinely curious, and he raised his eyebrows in anticipation.

My face flushed red and I began to stutter and fumble my words. "I, uh, s-saw a–"

Before I could finish, Harry cut me off because he realized I seemed embarrassed. "Y/n saw a shadow figure that was treating her like a romantic partner," Harry said, making it sound very casual and not as romantic as I had described it last night.

What Harry had told Ron had been enough to flip Ron's teasing switch. "Ooo~ are you in love with someone y/n? Who is it?"

I could feel my face redden even more. I tried to explain by saying, "It was a shadowy figure, which means that I desire love but I don't know who I want it from yet."

Ron grinned mischievously. He said, "Well then, let me, the master of love, help you narrow your subjects down." I groaned in annoyance.

Then, I came up with an idea to stop Ron from beginning to list people. "If you're the master of love, then where is your girlfriend?" I fired, deciding to wound his pride to stop him from making me feel even more embarrassed.

Ron's entire jaw dropped in disbelief at what I said and Harry began to laugh maniacally. Ron began to fake cry and he put his hand to his heart as if I had hit him there.

"Blimey, that really hurt y/n! Sometimes I wonder why you aren't in Slytherin," Ron replied.

"Woah woah Ron, if y/n was in Slytherin we probably wouldn't all be friends," Harry said. I looked at him, not liking the fact that he was hating on Slytherins.

"Why don't you like Slytherins?" I asked.

"Well for one, it's the house Malfoy's in. Anyone in a house with that git is surely as trashy as him. Also, Slytherins are known to be cunning and not fun to be around. No one likes Slytherins," Harry ranted.

I did not like what Harry had said. He was being so biased. And two of my good friends were in Slytherin! I decided to argue with him for the first time ever. "Harry, Slytherins are not all like Malfoy. Malfoy is not even that bad! Mattheo is also a really nice person, and he's in Slytherin. Stop being so biased!"

"You probably haven't seen the cunning or bad side of Malfoy or Mattheo because they both fancy you!" Harry yelled.

We stood in silence for a few moments, and Ron looked between us.

"What the bloody hell just happened?" He asked.

"Nothing," Harry and I replied in unison.

"I'll show you the room tonight Ron. You don't need to come, y/n," Harry said to me, which hurt me deep down.

"Fine," I replied in a monotone voice. I knew Harry wasn't giving me the choice. He was indirectly telling me not to come.

"I'm hungry," Ron stated, trying his best to distract the two of us.

"You two can go on without me," I said. As they exited, I tried to look Harry in the eye to see if he meant what he said, but he looked away from me. As they walked out, I walked back up to my bed and laid down to process everything.

Harry and I had just had our first fight as friends. Mattheo and Malfoy could possibly fancy me. The fight Harry and I had was stupid. There's no way anyone fancies me with how horrible I am. I desire to become a death eater!

All my thoughts were running through my head, and I sighed in defeat. This was all too much for me to handle. Then, an idea sparked in my head. If I went to the Mirror of the Erised sometime after Harry and Ron went, I could sort out what I wanted and maybe clear my head.


Sometime during the nighttime, I heard Ron and Harry leave to go to the Mirror of the Erised. About half an hour later, I heard them get back, and I decided it was my time to go. I got out of bed and cast the disillusionment spell on myself. This time, since I wasn't spying on Harry, I didn't need to cast the spell on anything else which made it easier to maintain.

I crept through the corridors silently, making as little noise as possible so not to alert the cat hearing of Mrs. Norris. I made it to the room that held the mirror, and I went inside and released the spell.

I closed my eyes as I walked towards the mirror, taking deep breaths to be prepared for what I was about to see.

I opened my eyes and I saw the figures slowly walking towards me. As they got closer, I could see that it was still Voldemort and his cronies.

I had no idea what had gone wrong. H had told me to, "Look again," but nothing was happening!

I groaned and turned around, concluding that my visit had not been successful at all. Suddenly, I heard a soft voice whisper. I couldn't make out their words, so I said, "Could you repeat that, louder?"

Suddenly, I heard the familiar voice of H whisper, "Look deeper."

"What do you mean by deeper?"

"Patience is key," she replied.

God, I hated how cryptic she was!! I sighed in frustration, then looked back at the mirror. I still shuddered whenVoldemort and the Death Eaters approached, but I was able to stand my ground and still stare into the mirror. More and more figures kept walking towards me. There was no way it was all death eaters...right?

As the other figures approached, I saw the faces of the Weasley family besides the twins and Ron appear. That was certainly different. I thought it was over, but more characters kept coming. The members of the Order of the Phoenix came after the Weasley's, and I was so happy to see Sirius. After them was Stanley, the knight bus driver, then all the students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons Academy. I was amazed as more and more characters from the Harry Potter universe poured in behind me.

Finally, most of the characters were there. Then, they all parted and made way for 9 more people. First came Mattheo Riddle, who gave me a quick pat on the head and the walked to his spot. Then came Neville, who gave me a small smile and took a spot opposite Mattheo. Next were the Weasley twins, who stood on either side of me and rested their arms on my shoulders before going to their designated positions. Cedric came through and gave me a tight hug from behind, then did the same as the others. Then, Draco Malfoy came through and actually smiled at me and gave me nod.

Then, came the Golden Trio. Hermione walked over with Ron and she took my right hand. She looked at me and smiled, resting her head on my shoulder for a moment. Finally, Harry walked through. He gave me a tight hug, then he took my left hand. He gently rubbed the birthmark, then looked at me and gave me a reassuring smile.

I stared into the Mirror as I finally saw my true desire. I wanted to take a picture of the moment and treasure it forever. It was absolutely beautiful. Every Harry Potter character that ever existed was standing behind me, and everyone was alive. I was standing with the main characters in the front, and they were holding my hands, which indicated that they were aware I was there. That I was a part of their story.

I realized that my one true desire was to be a part of the Harry Potter world. To be a part of the story and not just some reader who watched it all. I wanted to be involved with the story and play a part. I wanted to meet every character and have an impact on them, whether it be big or small. I wanted to save the lives of everyone.

I finally knew what my answer to Harry would've been. I would've said,

"I desire to be Part of Your World."


I've been waiting to find a way to incorporate the title into a chapter

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now