Chapter 26- Midnight Meet Up

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I stared up at the ceiling as I waited for my clock to go off. I had it set for 11:50 pm so that I could get to Harry's house and sneak him out. We had decided to meet at midnight so that no one would be suspicious or even know we were meeting up. Including my parents.

Finally, a loud beep sounded from next to me on my nightstand. I quickly hit the off button, not wanting to alert my parents. Luckily, I'd already casted the Imperturbable Charm and used it to create an invisible barrier around my room that muffled sounds, such as the loud blaring noise of my clock. I quickly rose out of bed and slipped my shoes on, which I'd placed by the side of my bed before I'd gone to sleep. I felt like a spy or a secret agent on a mission. A mission to sneak away the Boy Who Lived.

I snuck over to my window and unlocked it. I didn't want to risk going down the stairs and out the front door, because the noises could wake my parents, and I couldn't cast a muffling spell around the whole house. I pushed open my window and the cold night air hit me, causing my skin to erupt with goosebumps. Despite it being summer, it was still pretty cold compared to the heat in the daytime.

I looked down at the street below, which seemed to be much farther away than it actually was. I was only on the second story of my house, so a fall from my window would only be about 20 feet, also known as 6 meters. I could probably survive, maybe a broken leg or arm depending on how I landed. There was no way I was going to risk any injury. Even though I knew how to perform the spell Episkey, there was no way I was going to injure myself. Plus, my screams of pain and agony would probably wake up the whole neighborhood and make my mission fail.

So, the only other way to get out of my window was to fly. No, I was not going to use Wingardium Leviosa on myself. Way too complicated. Instead, I decided that I would use my broom to fly. It would also help to get Harry and I to places without necessarily using magic against the rules.

Hoping that the Ministry of Magic wouldn't discipline me, I whispered, "Accio broom." I waited for a few moments, and then a broom came flying towards me and I had to grab it before it crashed into my wall. I looked at it and realized that I hadn't been specific when I said, "broom". I'd literally just summoned a broom from the attic of my house.

I sighed in annoyance. I whispered again, "Accio quidditch broomstick." This time, a different broom came flying towards me. It was the broom I used for quidditch. I smiled in victory and then hopped on my broom and flew out the window. I didn't want to use any more magic, so I closed the window with my hands after getting outside.

Then, I flew to the back of Harry's house, 4 Privet Drive, which was right next door to mine. I landed my broom softly in Harry's backyard and then got off of it. Since the dinner party hadn't happened yet, Harry wasn't confined to any room. He was still in his cupboard under the stairs. This actually made things a little harder for me, since I would have to actually break into the Dursely's home.

Luckily, Harry and I had already planned that he would secretly unlock the backdoor so I could sneak in without using any magic or lockpicking. I walked to the backdoor and prayed it was unlocked as I tried the handle. The door softly swung open without any creaking. So far, everything was going well. I crept into the house, careful not to make any noise at all. Since I was a huge Harry Potter fan, I knew the layout of the house well enough, so I was able to get to the cupboard without any problems.

I unlocked Harry's door and quietly inched it open. Harry's head peaked out and looked at me. He looked around to make sure it was safe, before he fully stepped out. He grinned and then I grabbed his hand and we quietly raced out of the Dursely's home.

I grabbed my broom and Harry got on right behind me, wrapping his arms around my stomach to hold on. I lifted us up off of the ground and then we soared into the sky, nearing the clouds.

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