Chapter 23- The True Beginning

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After everything went dark I was then transported to the void like realm with Hikari. Only this time, it seemed more like it was space themed. There were white stars everywhere and the whole place was a very dark shade of blue. I walked over to Hikari, who was sitting on a weirdly placed old wooden bench.

"What's with the change of scenery?" I asked her, and she turned to me, smiling.

"This isn't my doing, it's yours," she responded, seeming happier and less serious.

"Well, why was it a void before?"

"Because that void represented that you were lost and were keeping yourself constrained to the story and plot of this universe. This place we're in is a realm that can only be reached through your mind alone. Everyone has a place like this, some call it the dream world, but it belongs to every individual," Hikari explained. She sighed happily, "Your realm is beautiful now."

"So, why is it space and why is there a random bench?" I asked, still sort of confused.

"The space theme represents that you have freed yourself and aren't going to keep yourself confined to this story's plot. This all happened because of your little epiphany. I guess you do have something to thank Quirrell for after all," she said, seeming disgusted when she mentioned Quirrell. "The bench is something I was able to think of and it just popped right in. Because you're freed and are making more of your own decisions now, you can now basically think of anything you want in this space and it will appear."

My eyes lit up and I asked, "Can I try and bring people here?"

"You can, but only do that to people you are most comfortable with. Someone you trust. Letting someone into your head space will put you in the most vulnerable position ever. Once you allow someone in, they can destroy it if they want to and leave you broken," she warned.

"Wait, so how are you here?"

"Because you share some of my power." She then sighed, this time seeming tired. "Enough of this talk. I'll explain things to you at a later time," she said.

"You seem happy. What's it about?" I asked.

She smiled at me, a full, big, happy smile. "You have finally reached the beginning. The true beginning of your story." After that, she gave me one last smile and then I was whisked back to reality.

My eyes slowly fluttered and I felt like I was lying down somewhere. Ah, I was probably in the infirmary right now. I fully opened my eyes and looked down at the people surrounding my bed. Mattheo, Neville, Draco, Cedric, and the Weasley twins all had their heads rested on some part of any edge of the bed. It was a sight to behold. Some were drooling, like Mattheo and Draco, and others were snoring loudly, like the Weasley twins.

I tried to move my hand to smack all of them, but I couldn't, as someone was gripping it tightly. I looked to my left and I saw that Harry was gripping my hand. His bed was much closer to mine than most infirmary beds, and I realized that whoever had carried both of us back hadn't fully separated us. We had probably been found both embracing each other, so the person had been kind enough to let us still stay partially connected.

I looked at all 7 of the boys surrounding me and I felt in my heart the desire to protect each of them. This was my story now, and I for sure was not going to let fate or anyone else take these boys away from me. Like death wise, not romantically of course. I think...?

I let out a soft groan of pain as I sat up. I was still feeling pretty drained as I had used up all of my energy using my magic. God, I was going to have to build up my stamina if I wanted to be prepared enough to save Cedric against Voldemort three years from now.

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now