Chapter 17- Making Amends

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 Winter break was almost over, and Hermione had just gotten back. Harry and I hadn't made up yet, so we tried to not make Hermione suspicious. I thought we had done well and fooled her until she questioned me that night as we were going to sleep.

"What happened?" Hermione asked with a light tone in her voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I really hoped she had no clue.

We sat in silence for a little bit before Hermione became assertive. "Y/n, I know something happened between you and Harry. I swear to god if you do not tell me, I will find a way to get Veritaserum and I will sneak it into one of your drinks and interrogate both you and Harry," she stated, still remaining a calm like composure, but being very assertive and intimidating.

I cleared my throat. I explained to Hermione what my dumb little fight with Harry had been about. After I told her, she took about 5 minutes to process it before she came to a conclusion.

"Harry was in the wrong for snapping at you. You were only defending your friends, and you made a point when you said Harry was being biased based on a singular person," Hermione stated.

"What does that mean then?" I asked her.

"That means, Harry needs to apologize to you. You did nothing wrong, so there is nothing for you to apologize to him for. Too often the people in the right apologize because they are the ones with the better head on their shoulders, and the one who gives in the easiest because they are afraid of losing a friend. Don't give in y/n. I'll give Harry a piece of my mind."

I grinned. "Thanks Hermione."

"Anything for my best friend," she replied. She then left our dorm room to head to breakfast. I sat there, stunned by what she had just said. Hermione Granger had just called me her best friend. That was a huge deal. I was so grateful for everything that had happened to me so far, and I had no idea that I could become best friends with one of the main characters. Heck, what if that's what Harry had thought of me as? I couldn't just lose being the best friend of Harry Potter. So, I decided that I would confront him and get him to apologize to me.

After potions class with Professor Snape, I raced to catch up to Harry. I needed to confront him. I whizzed past Malfoy and all the other students, and towards Harry.

When I finally caught up to him and Ron, I grabbed Harry's hand. He stopped, and he seemed surprised by the sudden grab.

I looked him dead in the eye and said, "We need to talk." He turned his head to Ron and whispered something, then he turned back to me as Ron walked away.

"Lead the way."


We made it to the top of the Astronomy Tower, a place that was secluded enough that no one could butt in on our conversation.

"So, what do we need to talk about?" Harry asked plainly with a dry tone.

"I need you to apologize to me," I stated firmly. I looked Harry in the eyes, and I could see his confusion and anger.

He reiterated what I'd said when he responded with, "You want ME to apologize to YOU?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, I believe you owe me an apology."

"It should be the other way around y/n. You owe me an apology–"

"Y/n doesn't owe you anything Potter. Apologize to her. Now." The familiar voice of Malfoy spoke fighting words, and I could hear him striding towards Harry and I. I turned to look at him and I saw the rage on his face was plentiful.

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