Chapter 33- Knight in Flying Armor

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 Harry and I ran over to the barred window after hearing the noise of a car. We looked out to be greeted with the sight of a literal flying blue Ford Anglia. I stood behind Harry, but I could still see that in the front seat were the Weasley twins, Fred and George, and Ron was in the back seat. They seemed concerned but then when they caught sight of Harry, they all smiled and grinned in relief.

"Harry!" Ron exclaimed. The twins rotated the car so that Ron would be right by the window. "I was really worried about you! You haven't been answering my letters! I've invited you to the Burrow at least a dozen times."

Harry smiled and said, "Sorry, there was something interfering--- I'll tell you all about it later!"

I stepped out from behind Harry and coughed, quietly though. I looked at Ron and then everyone in the car became confused.

"Y/n...?" All three Weasley boys said together. They stared at me for forever, then at Harry, then back at me. They were completely dumbfounded.

George was in the passenger seat and he said, "Merlin's sake y/n, why are you at Harry's house?"

Fred leaned over from the driver's seat and added, "And locked in his room at that. What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

I sighed and said, "It's a long story. We'll tell you when you, you know, get us out of here?"

I focused the boys back on the mission and Fred said, "Right! That's what we're here for. We just need to rescue one more person now."

George turned to Ron and said, "Okay Ron, you attach the rope to the bars and once you're done and sure it's secure, tell us. Then, Fred will drive and try to pull the bars off."

Ron rolled his eyes as he tied the rope and said, "I know, I know, I've been briefed on all of our escape plans a million times."

I raised an eyebrow and Ron said, "As we flew here we were discussing all the possible situations Harry could be in, one of them being him imprisoned in his room, and then we made a plan for each situation."

Fred leaned over to talk to me and said, "There was even one where he was abducted by aliens."

"Aliens?" I said in disbelief.

"If wizards exist, so can aliens. You never know," Fred replied, grinning.

"Was there ever a plan that included me?" I asked, hoping they had thought of me a little bit.

"Uh, no? You were the one responding to our letters, so we figured nothing was wrong. You're really going to need to explain to us why you're locked in Harry's room with him. After we save you," Fred said. He seemed to be a little...upset? Maybe it was because he was angry I was locked up and had to share the room with Harry. That was probably it.

My heart whispered to me, "He's jealous. And you know it. You're just pretending to be innocent and oblivious." I turned red. What the hell was I even thinking?

"All ready!" Ron said to the twins. They grinned and then turned the car so that the back was facing Harry and I. All we could see was the back of their heads and their bright red hair.

The revving of the engine could be heard, and the car began to pull away from the house. It seemed to do nothing at first, but then the bars began to bend ever so slightly. It was working! The car pulled and pulled at the bars and they began to give. Finally, with a last strong tug, the bars were ripped from the window. Harry and I hopped up and down and hugged each other. We were getting out of here!

They drove back over near the window and then Fred leapt out of the driver's seat and into the room after we opened the window. Fred wrapped his arms around me and hoisted me up. I giggled quietly and I looked down at him from above. He was beaming at me, relieved to see me okay.

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