Chapter 14- Christmas Break

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 Nothing too important had happened after the first match and our little meeting with Hagrid. Nothing had really happened in the books either, so it was fine.

Christmas time was nearing, and classes became easier so that students didn't have any homework over break. I really wanted to go back to see my parents, but I decided to stay so I could watch the story unfold.

As I sat in the Great Hall reading a book, Cedric Diggory approached me. His tall shadow loomed over me, and I looked up.

"Hey Cedric," I said, not knowing why he was there.

"Hi y/n! I just wanted to say congrats on the game, and you were amazing," Cedric said softly. His cheeks were tinged with a little pink as he spoke the last part of the sentence.
I gave him a small smile. "Thanks Cedric." I expected him to leave, but he didn't, and he still stood near me. "Do you uh...need anything else?" You asked, confused.

Cedric gave a small cough. "Uh...yeah." I stared at him, waiting for what it was he needed.

"Are you doing anything over Christmas break?" He asked. I was surprised at the question.

"No, I was just planning to stay here. Why do you ask?"

"I just wanted to know if you' to visit me for a day?" He asked slowly. I blinked. "You don't need to though! I totally get it if your parents wouldn't be okay with you staying at a boy's house and visiting him, or if you just don't want to—"

"It sounds nice," I said, interrupting his rambling.

He took a breath, and his eyes shined at me full of hope. "Really?"

I took a breath, and looked at him apologetically. "I don't think I can. Ron and Hermione are both leaving, and I don't want Harry to spend Christmas alone," I said. I knew Ron was going to stay, but I wanted to come up with a plausible excuse instead of flat out rejecting Cedric. Was it really rejecting him though? He wasn't asking me out or anything. Oh well.

"Oh," Cedric said, disappointed. He looked over at the entrance of the Great Hall, where Harry was entering with Ron and Hermione. "I see. I guess he is the Chosen One after all," he said, laughing sadly. "I'll see you around y/n. Happy Christmas." He walked away, and his demeanor and posture both held an air of sadness.

I felt really bad. But, I felt I had to stay to witness the story unfold. I walked over to my friends and they invited me to play a card game in the Common Room with them. I agreed, and I began to walk with them.


While I was walking through one of the halls to get to the Common Room with the trio, a voice called out, "Hey y/n!"

We all turned to see who called out to me. It was Mattheo Riddle.

"Who's he?" Hermione whispered.

"He looks like a delinquent," Ron chimed in quietly.

"He looks like a player y/n. Don't get romantically involved with him," Harry whispered.

"Someone's getting jealous, huh?" Ron teased.

"You guys are driving me crazy with the whispering! Stop whispering down my neck!" I exclaimed in a whisper.

"Sorry. Well, I need to pack, and I'm going to take these nosy boys with me to the Common Room. We'll leave you be," Hermione said, and she then dragged the boys away with her.

I walked over to Mattheo, who was leaning against the wall on his left shoulder. Very delinquent like.
"So, I assume your friends were totally not whispering about me, since y'know, they weren't staring at me the whole time they whispered to you?" He asked, extremely sarcastic.

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