Chapter 18- Saved by Cedric

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 After making up with Harry, I was already back on track with the story. Harry confided that he had gone to the mirror a third time and had encountered Dumbledore, who told him some people went mad if they looked too much into the mirror because they would become addicted to what they were shown. I also came to a little realization myself that Erised was just Desire spelt backwards, which meant the mirror could not be a good thing.

Now we were in the library, searching dutifully for any information regarding Flamel. So far though, we were having no luck. I knew, obviously though, that Harry would make the discovery once he ate his last chocolate frog from Hermione. I looked at the stack of chocolate frogs near Harry. He still had 5 more left to eat. Darn it... He ate one frog every 5-10 minutes, so it would take about 25-50 more minutes of searching before we found something useful.

There was no way I was going to wait for that long so I said, "Hey Harry, can I eat a frog?"

He looked up at me from the book he was reading. His glasses had slipped off of his fac slightly due to looking down at the book, so he did the anime glass push where he used his index and middle finger to push the bridge of his glasses up.

"Sure, feel free to eat however many you want," he said, gesturing at the pile before returning to his search.

Yes! I looked at Harry's stack of chocolate frogs. I wanted to find the right one on the first try, so I closed my eyes and hovered my hand over the pile. I used to believe I had "psychic powers" when I was younger, and seeing how I was in the literal Harry Potter universe right now, I decided I should at least test the theory. I tried to feel for any force of energy that might tug my hand to the right box, but I didn't feel anything. I was about to give up when I felt a pulse of energy drawing my palm in.

"It's that one," the familiar voice of H whispered in my ear. I had to keep myself from jumping or talking to her, or else I would look insane. I laid my hand down on top of the frog box that H and the energy had led me to. I opened it up and quickly ate the frog. It was quite good actually. I closed my eyes and hoped that the card I got was the right one. As I lifted the card up towards my face, I opened my eyes and there he was, Nicholas Flamel the maker of the philosophers stone. A huge grin spread on my face.

"Hey guys, look at what I found!" I whisper-shouted to my friends as I showed the card, earning a glare from Madam Pince, the librarian. The three of them stared at the card in awe. Then, Hermione got up and went in search of something.

She came back with a large book and said, "I had you looking in the wrong section. How could I be so stupid?" She threw the book on the table and continued speaking as she sat down, saying, "I checked this out weeks ago for a bit of light reading."

A look of horror crossed Ron's face and he said, "This is light?" As he gestured towards the humongous book Hermione had laid onto the table. Hermione flipped the book open, ignoring Ron, and then pointed her finger onto a section about Nicholas Flamel.

"Look here, Nicholas Flamel was Dumbledore's partner and he also created the Philosopher's Stone!"

"What's the Philosopher's Stone?" Harry asked curiously.

Hermione was about to speak but I beat her to it. I explained, "The Philosopher's Stone can turn any liquid metal into gold, and it provides the elixir for everlasting life. That's what Fluffy is guarding."

"How do you know that?" Hermione asked me. "You weren't even looking at the book."

Shoot. I had been suspicious again. "I did a bit of light reading myself and it was just one of the things that stuck with me," I said as a cover up.

"Blimey, you guys are insane! How is that light reading? Even a hundred pages is way too much for me, but this book is like ten times that amount!" Ron exclaimed.

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now