Chapter 34- The Wrath of Molly Weasley

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 As the car landed next to the tumbledown garage in the Weasley's small yard, I took a deep breath in to prepare myself for the wrath of Molly Weasley. I knew it very well from the books and the movies, we were for sure not getting into that house without getting caught.

I looked at Harry and had to stop myself from smiling at the amazement in his eyes as he observed The Burrow. I silently watched and followed his eyes as he took in the several stories and chimneys of the Weasley's home. His eyes landed on the lopsided sign stuck in the ground that read, "The Burrow". Harry turned back to me, wonder filling his eyes, and catching me as I stared. I quickly looked away, flustered and amused by Harry.

Ron coughed quietly and said to Harry, "It's not much."

Harry quickly responded and shut down Ron's embarrassment by saying, "It's wonderful." I saw a dark and gloomy gaze suddenly flash on Harry's face but then go away as quickly as it came. I knew that he was thinking of Privet Drive and how much better The Burrow was compared to it. How much nicer the people here were compared to those despicable humans he had to call, "relatives".

We all climbed out of the car as quietly as possible.

Fred whispered to us all, "Now, we'll go upstairs quietly and wait for Mum to call us down for breakfast. Then, Ron, you come bounding downstairs going, 'Mum, look who turned up in the night!' Then y/n, you come downstairs after Ron along with Harry and say, 'I hope you're alright with Harry and I staying! A terrible situation came up at home so I took Harry with me over here!' Mum'll be pleased to see both Harry and Y/n and no one will ever have to know we flew the car."

Fred's voice mimicking was pretty funny, but I had to put on a serious face and try and come up with another plan.

"Fred, sweety," I said, "that plan sounds a world that is entirely fictional and always goes your way. That plan will never work. She's going to catch us either way and I'm sure she probably already noticed you guys were—"

I stopped talking as I watched Ron's eyes widen since he was the only one looking towards the house. Oh no. She was already here. I really wanted to save myself so I cast the disillusionment charm without thinking of any of the consequences.

I turned around and I saw an angry Molly Weasley striding toward us. She was far enough away so she wouldn't hear us whispering so I whispered, "Okay, everyone stay still and don't talk at all. I cast a disillusionment charm so she shouldn't be able to see us. Once she turns her back or gets distracted, we all bolt for the house and go to bed. If she wakes us up and says we were gone when she checked, we all say that she was just dreaming. Got it?"

Molly Weasley was upon us a few seconds after I finished speaking. She stood right in front of all of us, and it seemed like she could see us. I held my breath and prayed that the spell would hold. Molly then suddenly moved and walked over to the car. I heard the quiet sound of steps making their way quickly towards the house and I began to run over.

Suddenly, I heard a crashing sound and Ron yelled loudly, "OW!"

My heart began to pound and I turned in horror to see Molly Weasley whip around and pull her wand out.

My heart dropped as she pointed her wand to where Ron was and yelled, "Finite Incantatem!"

My disillusionment charm was canceled out by the powerful magic of Mrs. Weasley. Everyone came into view and I whipped my head over to Ron, the reason the plan failed. He was on the ground, clutching his knee with a chicken angrily pecking him. My god, he had tripped over a damn chicken. Way to go Ron.

"Don't you even think about going in. Get over here. Now," Mrs. Weasley said to someone behind me that was closer to the house. I turned and saw Fred and George right by the open door. They had almost made it in. Fred looked down and George nervously bit his lip as they both approached their furious mother.

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