Chapter 10- Mattheo Riddle

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 After the incident where I sprained my ankle, I had been avoiding all 5 of the boys who had contributed to absolutely embarrassing me and demolishing my pride. I had been doing a good job at it, but now I had a dilemma as Cedric and the Weasley twins were a little ways in front of me, with their backs turned, and Harry and Draco were having an argument behind me. I heard Harry and Draco begin to conclude their fight, and I made the decision to open the door next to me, and ran in.

It was an abandoned classroom that had not been used in a while. I breathed a sigh of relief at getting myself away from them and hiding again.

Suddenly, a deep yet gentle voice spoke from behind me, "What brings you here?"

I whirled around, and there stood a tall boy who was the spitting image of Tom Riddle, except he had a scar over his nose. My heart dropped in fear. How was this possible? It wasn't even my second year yet. Had I somehow sped up events?

He slowly approached me, and I fought the urge to back away. He extended his hand out, and I shut my eyes. "I'm Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle." I opened my eyes, and I saw his hand was extended to shake mine, not harm me. I took his hand and shook it gently.

Mattheo Riddle was definitely not in the books at all. He was actually an original character a fanfic author had created, and he was the son of Voldemort. That meant that this world I was in was the Harry Potter universe, except with even more people.

"I'm uh–" I struggled to introduce myself because I was still scared.

"–y/n, right? I've heard about you a lot. I also saw that incident with all the boys taking care of you; you made a lot of enemies because of that one," he said with a very calm and inviting tone.

I groaned. "You've also heard about that? Sheesh."

"Are you less afraid of me now?" He asked gently. Crap. He had noticed my fear.

"Yeah. You seem like a cool person Mattheo. I'm sorry for assuming you were dangerous because–"

"–He-who-must-not-be-named is my father?" I nodded. "Don't worry y/n, I never want to be like him. At all. It sucks that they always compare me to him. The people who know about it at least," he said sadly. "By the way, how do you know? Only the professors do."

Uh oh. He was actually smart. Dammit, stop assuming things about him! "I've done my fair share of research," I said, hoping he would buy it.

"Oh ho ho. So you're interested in me?" He teased.

"Wait, what?!" I responded, flustered.

"Why else would you research me?"

God, why was he so quick-witted?! I sighed. "I guess you could say that then. Not romantically of course!"

He laughed a very sweet and harmonious laugh. I grinned sheepishly.

"I've also done my research on you y/n. For instance, you have a scar in the shape of the number 7 on the back of your left hand, and you moved to London last year. You're the girl from the prophecy," he said, his eyes twinkling with an emotion I couldn't figure out.

"How do you know about the prophecy?" I asked.

"My dad, though he wasn't there for me much, was obsessed with finding a prophecy about someone who would beat him or steal his power. I'm really familiar with your prophecy and Potter's."

Damn, his life must've been really tough. "You're really intelligent, you know? And mysterious," I inquired.

"I know," he said, smiling. "You're mysterious too. I can usually tell what people are thinking right off the bat, but the only thing I was really able to pick up from you was your fear of me, and now I don't know anything." He walked closer to me, and I backed up to give him room, and then found myself against a desk. He put his arms on each side of me, and then he leaned in. His face was suddenly inches away from mine, and I could feel his breath as he spoke to me.

"I'd like to get to know you better y/n. I want to be close with you," he said suggestively. My face flushed, and I swore it was probably as red as all the Weasleys. He pulled back, and a satisfied smirk settled onto his face. "I picked up another emotion. Interesting."

I coughed in embarrassment. "Fine. We can get to know each other better. Now if you excuse me, I need to get to class," I said hurriedly. And with that, I dashed out of the room with my entire face and neck bright red.

As I left, I didn't catch Mattheo staring at me, or what he said.

"She felt...flustered." 

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