Chapter 19- Hagrid's Secret

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I used the disillusionment charm to hide Harry and I as we flew side by side, trailing Snape into the Forbidden Forest. Snape finally reached a stop, and Harry and I hovered near him, still staying far enough away so that we didn't trigger his senses. Snape stood there, waiting for a few moments, and then Professor Quirrell emerged. Harry and I watched, holding our breaths and trying to listen in.

They began talking about Fluffy and the Philosopher's Stone, and Snape seemed to be agitated or angry, and Quirrell scared.

"I think Snape's trying to get answers from Quirrell. Quirrell must be what's stopping Snape from getting the stone," Harry whispered. Since we were both leaning and trying to listen to the conversation, we had both accidentally gotten very close, so Harry whispering was actually against the back of my neck and sent chills down my spine. I whipped my head towards Harry, shocked by the shiver. I then realized how close we were when my face was only an inch away from his, and our noses were practically touching.

Time seemed to slow down as we both stared at each other, faces so close to connecting. Harry's eyes bore into mine and I couldn't tell what he was feeling. I was too focused on the racing of my own heart, and the warmth now spreading to my cheeks and threatening to move up to my neck then ears. Both of us slowed our breathing down, now fully aware and unsure of what to do with our faces being so close.

When it seemed like Harry was about to lean forward, we heard Snape stomp away, breaking our trances. We both then distanced ourselves, staying at least three to four feet apart on the way back to the castle. We didn't talk about what had happened for the rest of the way.

Once we got back to the common room, we met with Ron and Hermione.

"So, how did your research go?" I asked, taking a seat on one of the red couches by the fireplace.

"I learned quite a few things about Flamel. Ron on the other hand..." Hermione said, shooting a glare towards Ron, "...took a very nice and long nap."
"Hey, I don't enjoy reading! It's the most boring thing," Ron said defensively as Harry plopped down next to me.

"Well, besides whatever you guys were discussing, y/n and I were able to partially tune into a very interesting conversation," Harry stated.

"Go on..." Hermione said, interested. Ron perked up and then leaned in towards Harry.

"We saw Professor Snape and Professor Quirrell talking out in the Forbidden Forest. They were talking about the stone–and Fluffy! I think Quirrell is the only one standing in Snape's way," Harry said.

I grimaced, knowing full well Harry was on the entirely wrong side. "Or maybe," I offered, "Snape is actually in Quirrell's way. You know, Quirrell had always been suspicious, even since the first day we met him. I think we just assume Snape is the villain here because he dresses emo and has major R. B. F."

"What's R. B. F.?" Hermione asked innocently. Harry and Ron turned towards me, also not knowing what it meant.

"Oh...uh, it means..." I stuttered. Then I whispered, "...Resting bitch face."

The jaws of Hermione, Harry, and Ron all practically dropped to the floor. I know that it seemed childish for them to not know what it meant, but they were only 11, and they grew up in a way different world from America, so it was understandable.

"Wow y/n! The only bad word I ever say is 'bloody hell'!" Ron replied.

Hermione shot Ron a disapproving glance. "That's two words Ron. Not one."

"You know what I mean." He said, annoyed.

"Honestly, as much as I hate Snape, you theory could also be correct y/n," Harry cut in, ending the fight that was about to go down between Ron and Hermione.

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