Chapter 31- Rescue from the Dursleys

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The sun peeked through my blinds, causing me to stir. I could hear the noise of something sizzling on the pan downstairs, and the sound of the fan whirring from the main bedroom's bathroom, probably due to my father taking his morning dump. I sighed and tried to force myself to go back into my peaceful slumber, but then my alarm began to blare. I groaned and fumbled my hand around, trying to find it. My finger felt the edge of it and then I brought my hand up and slammed it down onto the stop button. My alarm stopped making noise and all was peaceful again.

I turned over to my other side and drew my blankets closer to me. I desperately wanted to go back to sleep. My consciousness began to fade until my mom screamed, "Y/N! GET UP, YOUR ALARM WENT OFF!"

I groaned. Sometimes she could be a cool mom, but she wasn't when she kept me from sleeping in. I yawned as I sat up and parted my eyes. I started blinking as I stretched my arms to relieve tension. I looked at my calendar which was right next to my bed and saw the date circled. July 31. Oh my gosh, today was July 31! Harry's birthday!

I practically jumped out of bed and flew to my closet. I put on the best outfit I could find and raced downstairs.

My mom was just finishing up making breakfast. She heard me walk in and she turned to me, smiling. She said happily, "Well look who decided to not take their time getting ready this morning. Go you." She turned the stove off and made me a plate of food. My dad came down as she was preparing his plate and he grabbed one of the cups and poured coffee.

"Damn y/n, you got down faster than me," my dad commented as he sat down with his breakfast and coffee.

I gave a small smile and proceeded to inhale my breakfast. My mom looked at me, horrified. "Woah, woah, woah, slow down y/n! You're gonna choke!"

I wanted to tell her I wasn't, but my mouth was full of food so all it sounded like was, "Mm nmm mmmm mmm!"

My mom rolled her eyes. "What, you got a date or something?"

I swallowed my food and said, "No. It's Harry's birthday today. Our next door neighbor? Anyways, I gotta get to him fast so I can, uh, take him from his family."

My parents stared at me blankly. "Whatever," my mom said as I finished breakfast and got up. I put my plate in the sink and then ran upstairs to grab my gift for Harry. I had gotten him a quill that I had enchanted to never run out of ink and I also enchanted the feather to never fray and to always stay soft. The gift was also accompanied by a pink rose that I had bought. I had been writing letters to Neville and he told me that pink roses represent happiness. I wanted Harry to be happy on his birthday, so I made sure to get that flower for him.

"Y/n! Wait!" My mom called as I was about to open the door. 

"What is it mom? I'm kind of in a hurry," I said.

"Aren't you forgetting? Your dad and I are leaving for the rest of summer to visit your grandma.  Come say goodbye to us before we go."

I quickly hugged my mom and dad goodbye. Great. That meant now I had no one to tell me what to do, and no one to supervise me.

I rushed out of the house with my gift and next door to the Dursleys house. I walked up to the front door and knocked 7 times exactly since, you know, it's my lucky number. The door was opened and I was greeted with the lovely face of Aunt Petunia. Or should I just call he Mrs. Dursley?

She seemed quite confused and surprised when she saw me. It was a logical feeling, since a random kid she had never seen before was showing up to her house. "Hello. Can I help you?" She asked kindly. Huh, so unlike the movie and book Petunia dialogue towards Harry.

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