Chapter 15- Mirror of the Erised(1)

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As the night came and the sky was cloaked in darkness, I knew it was around the time when Harry would sneak to the library. I knew that I couldn't follow him without being seen, so I had read up on the Disillusionment Charm. It would make me blend in with the surroundings, so no one would notice me. I had used the spell Accio to summon an infrared camera that would help me keep track of Harry. There were no spells that I knew of, and I most certainly could not get Mad-Eye Moody's eye, so a muggle artifact would have to do.

I made sure to enchant my camera to make it blend in with me, and then I crept to the common room and waited. I heard small and quiet steps, and I instantly knew it was Harry. I put my camera up to my eyes and scanned the room, and sure enough I saw the heat signals of Harry Potter through the camera lenses. He was invisible to my naked eye, but he could not escape the advanced technology of my camera.

I followed him all the way to the library, and into the restricted section. As I trailed behind Harry, he suddenly stopped to get a book. God dammit. It was the book that was going to scream. As Harry put his lantern up to the book and was about to open it, I grabbed his wrist and sharply stated, "Don't do it."

Harry's eyes widened. He looked around frantically, and I could tell he was looking for something. Oh. Yeah, I was invisible.
"Harry, it's me, y/n," I said.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?"

"Following you. I told you to wait for Hermione!"

"But I need to find this information!" Harry said desperately.

I removed the disillusionment charm, in hopes of showing Harry how disappointed I was. Instead, I scared Harry because I was much closer than we both had realized, and his sudden shock made him drop his lantern thus alerting Filch.

"Who's there?" I heard Filch's old and senile voice call out.

I cursed under my breath. Harry looked at me, fear in his eyes. There was no time for me to cast a disillusionment spell, so we had to get under the cloak. I grabbed the cloak and threw it over us, then we both ran as fast and quiet as we could to get out as Filch inspected where we both had just been. We turned a corner, and I realized as we turned that we were about to run into Snape.

"Hold on!" I hissed at Harry, and both of us stopped in our tracks. It was too late though, as Professor Snape was already several feet away. "Stay very still," I whispered as quietly as possible. Harry was already rigid because of how scared he was, so he easily followed my command. Snape slowly approached, getting closer and closer. God dammit, when was Filch coming?!
Just as Snape reached his fingers out to attempt to grasp at what he thought was the cloak, Filch rounded the corner.

"Why are you in such a hurry Argus?" Snape asked cooly, turning his attention away from the two of us.

Filch held up the lantern Harry had dropped. "The light's still warm. There are students up past their bedtime," he replied.
As Snape and Filch continued talking, Harry and I made our way to the nearest door and then opened it and hid behind it. Of course, as a reader, I knew it was no random room we had ended up in. It was the room holding the Mirror of the Erised. It was actually another one of the reasons why I had followed Harry, because I wanted to see what my true desire was.

We removed the cloak, and then turned around and saw the large golden mirror. Inscribed on the top were the words, "I show not your face, but your heart's desire." Harry and I both looked at each other for a moment, then back to the mirror.

I stood still and watched as Harry steadily approached the mirror. He stood close and looked into it, and I could see his facial expressions change. He turned to me.

"Y/n, look, it's my parents!" He exclaimed. I strode towards the mirror, anxious and excited to see what I truly wanted.

"I don't see your parents," I said.

"What?" Harry asked, confused. "But they're literally on both sides of me!"

"I think the mirror shows what our heart wants," I said to Harry. I pointed to the words inscribed on the top. "Look, it says. 'I show not your face, but your heart's desire.'"

"Oh, that makes sense," Harry said. "Well then, what do you see y/n?" He asked, curious.

I gulped, and then looked into the mirror. I stared for a little while, and I saw a figure in the background approaching. Then more. As they got closer, I realized that they were Death Eaters, and the man in the center was none other than Voldemort. Was this saying that... my heart's true desire was to be a Death Eater?!

I stumbled backwards, and twisted my head away from the mirror in total shock. I could feel my blood run cold, and when I looked at my skin I saw that it was paler. There was no way I wanted to be a Death Eater. But, the mirror was also never wrong. I was absolutely terrified now.

"I-I saw nothing too important!" I stuttered. I decided to make up a terrible lie that my heart wanted a lover. "I uh saw mistletoe and hearts? And like a shadowy figure approached me and hugged me. Then they were about to kiss me, which is why I turned away in surprise. I think my heart yearns for true love." Harry stared at me, mesmerized by what I had said.

"That sounds so beautiful y/n," he said, amazed. I blushed. I felt bad for lying to him, and even worse that he was complimenting me thinking I had an innocent and pure desire.

"Well, we should probably head back." I said. We headed back to the dorm rooms, and then we both separated and went to sleep.

I could not believe that I wanted to be a Death Eater of all things. It made me disgusted. I closed my eyes, and my dreams were plagued by what I had seen in the mirror.

Suddenly, I went to the dark void again. I turned and saw the same girl, "H", my "watcher".

"What is it?" I asked.

"Look again," she said.

"At what?" I asked.

All she did was smile softly in response, and then she disappeared. Look again at what?

A/n: Why would y/n want to be a death eater...? Maybe it's a larger part of what she wants, like WORLD DOMINATION?!

Hahaha you have to wait to find out ;)

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