Chapter 21- A Special Power

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"I have the answers to any question you may have," Hikari said.

"Okay..." I said, unsure of what to ask. "Who are you? And who is Kurayami?"

"We are both half-gods. Kurayami is trying to become a fully-fledged god though, and he wants to be acknowledged as the most powerful across every universe."

"Why are you my 'protector'?" I asked, curious to know why she was so intent on protecting me from everything and helping me.

"Because for one, you have a fragment of my power due to your wish. Two, I must protect you from Kurayami at all costs."

"Wait, so that light that came from my hand was your power?" I asked.

"Yes. It is now technically your power though, since it is a part of you," she said calmly, smiling.
"Wait, so why the heck am I even involved with you guys and Kurayami in the first place?" I honestly had no idea why I would even be involved with other forces like gods and half-gods.

"Because he wants–no, he needs your power to become a god," she said, suddenly becoming very dark and ominous.

"Wait, but isn't my power technically the power you gave me?" I asked, confused about the whole 'powers' situation. Dude, I'm a reader that knows magic that happens with wands, not magic powers that are connected to my body that have manifested inside of my hand!

"You already originally had powers. You have a fragment of mine because I had to give you it to awaken your powers earlier than they were supposed to be," she said. I was absolutely MIND BLOWN. This was entirely different from what I had expected. I honestly thought this would be some simple story where a girl jumps universes to get to the Harry Potter world. I did not expect my story to get complicated like this.

"So, what were my original powers that you awakened?" I asked. Ooo, maybe I had ice powers, like Elsa! Or maybe I had the power to turn into a panda, like Mei Mei from Turning Red! So many different possibilities raced through my head, and none of them turned out to be correct.

"Your power is the power to hop universes," she said.

"Wait, so I can hop over to the Marvel Universe if I want to right now?" I asked. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to think hard about the Marvel Universe, but nothing seemed to happen. I felt a smack as Hikari used the base of her palm to whack my forehead, causing my eyes to fly open. I pouted, sad that it didn't work.

"Idiot, you can't just go anywhere you feel like at any given moment! Don't you know how powers work?" She asked.

"Uh, they get used?" I guessed, and she smacked me again. "Ow!"

"They get used, which does what?" She asked, trying to get me to figure it out.

It suddenly clicked. "Oh, they get used and then their power gets drained! Like batteries!" She let out a relieved sigh and then smiled, which indicated I had gotten the answer correct. Ha, I was probably so smart even Sherlock Holmes couldn't beat me.

"Your power isn't very plentiful, since it was just awoken and it was awoken before it was supposed to be. You used it up when you came over to this universe, and you'll need to fully recharge it to use it again," she said.

"So, how long will it take? A month?" I asked, thinking it wouldn't be that big of a deal.

My face paled as she said, "It'll take 10 years at the very least. It could take up to 20."

"So...I'll probably never see my family back in my world ever again?" I asked.

"No, if you learn and actually train to improve your powers, you could be set to jump universes again in about 5 years," she said, trying to reassure me. "That'll be enough time to finish up all of your years at Hogwarts and then go back to your home world."

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now