Chapter 32- Dobby

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 Dobby sat there on Harry's bed, with his bat-like ears prominent and wearing his tattered pillow case. He stared at us with his bulging green eyes. Harry and I stepped into the room and then closed the door.

I whispered, "Colloportus." Which locked the door. I was surprised the Ministry of Magic hadn't come yet, as I'd used a lot of magic this summer. Maybe Hikari was using her demi-god powers to prevent them from knowing.

"Erm—hello...?" Harry said nervously.

"Harry Potter!" Dobby excitedly shrieked in a high pitched voice. He slinked off of the bed and then looked at me and gasped, shrieking again, "And Y/n L/n!"

Harry and I exchanged glances with each other. Dobby was sure being loud. "So long has Dobby wanted to meet you ma'am and sir...Such an honor it is..."

"Th-thank you," Harry stuttered, slinking across the wall and lowering himself into his desk chair, next to the sleeping Hedwig. I slinked across the wall with him and opted for the floor, sitting right next to Harry. He silently tried to offer me the chair but I shook my head. I was comfortable enough.

"What are you? Sorry, that was rude, but...who are you?" Harry asked.

"Dobby, sir. Just Dobby. Dobby the house-elf," he responded.

Petunia's high-pitched fake laugh sounded from downstairs and I whispered to Dobby, "Not that we aren't pleased to meet you or anything, but this isn't a great time for Harry to have any...surprise guests in his bedroom. That includes house-elves. Sorry."

Harry nodded in agreement. "Is there a particular reason why you're here...Dobby?" Harry asked, and it seemed like he was unsure of Dobby's name.

"Oh, yes, sir," Dobby said earnestly. "Dobby has come to tell you, ma'am and is difficult...Dobby wonders where to begin..."

"Sit down," Harry said politely, pointing at the bed. I turned to Harry, fear in my eyes, knowing what was about to happen. I had mainly forgotten this conversation, so I was too late when Harry offered Dobby a seat. I could only hope that Dobby didn't squeal too loudly.

To Harry and I's horror, Dobby burst into tears. Very, very noisy tears. Darn it.

"S-sit down!" Dobby wailed. "Never...never ever..."

The voices downstairs began to falter. Dobby was being way too loud. I really wanted to cast a spell to shut him up, but I was going to play nice for now and see how the rest went.

"I'm sorry," Harry whispered, desperate to keep everyone downstairs from hearing and coming upstairs. "I didn't mean to offend you or anything—"

"Offend Dobby!" choked the elf. "Dobby has never been asked to sit down by a wizard— like an equal—"

"Shh!" I hushed Dobby, as Harry comfortingly ushered him onto the bed

"You probably haven't met any decent wizards yet. Blimey, you've probably lived miserably your whole life," I said, trying to cheer Dobby up. I felt really bad for the poor house-elf.

Without warning, Dobby leapt up from the bed and furiously began to bang his head on the window shouting his classic lines, "Bad Dobby! Bad Dobby!"

"Stop that!" I hissed at Dobby. It was too late, as Hedwig awoke with a furious screech and began to beat her wings against the cage.

"Go back to sleep Hedwig!" Harry hissed at the snowy white owl.

"Dobby had to punish himself, ma'am and sir," said the elf, going slightly cross-eyed. "Dobby almost spoke ill of his family, ma'am and sir..."

"Your family?" Harry asked.

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