Chapter 8- The Infamous Weasley Twins

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 A few days after talking with Cedric, I was approached by two other famous Harry Potter characters. The infamous Weasley twins, Fred and George Weasley.

I was sitting by the fire in the Gryffindor Common Room, reading a book, when suddenly two familiar redheads approached me.

"Hi! You're Y/n, right?" The one on the left asked.

I nodded, and the right one said, "We've heard a lot about you from Ron."

"Are you guys the Weasley twins?" I asked.

"Yup!" The left one responded cheerfully.

"Want to guess who's who?" The one on the right asked, challenging me.

"Fine," I said, accepting the challenge. I thought for a little while. There had to be some indication...aha! There it was. "On my left," I said, pointing, "you are Fred Weasley." I pointed to the twin on the right and said, "and you are George Weasley."

Fred and George both laughed. "How can you be so sure?" Fred asked.

"Well, you Fred, always seem to instigate the conversation, and you also are a tiny bit more chipper than your brother. George had more defined facial features, and you have more roundish ones."

The twins stared at me in amazement. Then, they both plopped down on the couch next to me, Fred sitting on my left and George on the right.

"Well, you're correct y/n!" George congratulated.

"Are you sure you don't secretly stalk us and that you're not a secret admirer of ours? You seem to know a lot, and I believe this is our first time actually meeting," said Fred playfully.

I was silent for a moment, realizing that I knew a little too much about them, and it would be weird if I said I'd read about them. "I um, I'm not a stalker or anything, but I have seen you two around school a lot and I uh... just took notice of you guys," I nervously lied, hoping they would buy it.

Both twins instantly turned as red as their hair. They both let out little coughs of embarrassment, and it took them a little bit to recover and regain themselves after what I'd said.

"I was not expecting that," George said.

"Me neither," I muttered quietly under my breath.

There was another awkward pause of silence, and then Fred decided to talk. "Well Y/n, we wanted to be friends with you. It's a good thing the feeling is mutual. At least... I think it is?"

I smiled. "Sure!" You replied.

Both Weasley boys grinned and enthusiastically replied with, "Wicked," in unison.

They then walked(actually skipped) away. I smiled, and then went back to reading my book. I was definitely enjoying being in the actual Harry Potter universe and becoming friends with all the characters. 

A/n: I promise that Saturday's is much longer! Sorry for the short chapters, but I need to kinda just introduce characters and then I'll start doing the long story chapters!

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