Chapter 20- Detention

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 The two of us followed Filch to Professor McGonagall's office, awaiting our impending doom. Upon our arrival, we also saw Draco and Neville by McGonagall's desk. Weird. As we approached, McGonagall looked up at us. Her face instantly became filled with disappointment.

"And what do we have here, Argus?" She asked Filch.

"I caught these two wandering around past their bedtime."

"Very well. You may leave them with me and continue your duties," she said, dismissing him. Once he left, she turned to face the four of us.

"I am severely disappointed in all four of you. 50 points from each of your houses. Each." We all stared at McGonagall in shock. That meant that Harry had just undone all he good he had done by winning the quidditch match. "You will also each serve a detention with Mr. Filch tomorrow at 11."

"Why–" Draco began, but McGonagall cut him off.

"No questions or talking. Now all of you, back to your dorms!!"

As I layed down in my bed, I realized that some things were different. In the movie, it had been the trio plus Malfoy getting a detention. In the books, it had been Harry, Hermione, Draco, and Neville. But now in this present time, it was me, Harry, Draco, and Neville all getting detention together. Heh, it's funny how things always change.


The next morning, as Harry and I met up in the common room to go down to breakfast, we became surrounded by all of Gryffindor. They chorused and shouted insults and words full of anger and hatred. Everyone was angry that we had lost Gryffindor 100 points together, and including Neville, it was 150 points. No one was on our side. Suddenly, I realized that I had to find Neville to save him from what Harry and I were experiencing.

"Harry, go get Neville and sneak him out. I'll deal with them. Go!"

Harry ran back up to the boys dormitory, and about ten minutes later I felt an invisible force pass by. Good. Harry had used the invisibility cloak to cover Neville and sneak them out. To get out of the crowd, I cast a disillusionment charm over myself and ran for my life. Once finally outside, I ran to the Astronomy Tower, where I assumed Harry had probably taken Neville. He wasn't there though. As I was about to turn, a hand lightly tapped my shoulder, and I spun around, expecting to see Harry. Instead, I was met with the familiar face of Mattheo Riddle. Because I thought it had been Harry, I had smiled, but now it seemed like I was happy to see Mattheo.

"Woah, someone's happy to see me," he said, commenting on my smile. I groaned and rolled my eyes. "I heard you've been getting yourself into trouble lately. I did not expect that from you y/n."

"I was actually trying to do something good but then I got caught going back to the dorm," I said. It was true, I was causing any trouble, only getting a dangerous creature off of school grounds and to somewhere safe where it would be accepted.

"Well, then that explains why you haven't come by to see me at all since Christmas," Mattheo said, and he sounded a little hurt.

"Are you...sad because I haven't visited you?" I asked, holding in a laugh. Mattheo's face turned red and he coughed.

"Pfft, n-no!" He stuttered. Mattheo. Fricking. Riddle. STUTTERED. I giggled.

"Sure, I totally believe you," I said sarcastically. He sighed and covered his face with his hand.

"Well, I need to go and find Harry and Neville now. It was good talking to you Mattheo," I said, walking away quickly. I heard him sprint towards me and then he grabbed my wrist and spun me towards him. Because of the momentum, I was instantly pressed against his chest and I looked up at him, our faces inches away.

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