Chapter 12- Hallowe'en

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 Finally, after what felt like forever, it was Hallowe'en. Now was the time when an actual event from the story would occur that was big and helped move the plot forward. I was tired of befriending all of the characters, and now I was ready for some action.

I had studied multiple spells from my The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 2 book so that I could take down the troll. I decided I would use protego to protect me and Hermione, Expelliarmus to disarm the troll, and flipendo to knock the troll back and hopefully knock it out.

I hoped it would all go well since the fate of Hermione and I kind of depended on it. As everyone started making their way to the dining hall, I started making my way towards the bathroom Hermione would be in. I decided to go early so I could comfort her and so I could execute my plan flawlessly.


3rd Person POV: The Great Hall


As Harry and Ron sat down, Harry laid his hand down on a portion of the bench to his left so he could save a spot for y/n. She had told him not to wait for her, but he did anyway.

Neville tried to discreetly sit around Harry's area because he knew y/n always sat with Harry. Neville wanted to sit and eat and talk with y/n, but he was too shy to ever try to after the Hospital Wing incident.

The Weasley twins sat right next to Ron so they could sit as close as possible to y/n.

Malfoy and Mattheo ended up sitting next to each other, not knowing who the other was obviously. They both had the perfect view of Harry Potter from the Slytherin table, but that was not who they were really trying to sneak peaks at. They were waiting for y/n to show up and sit beside Harry, and they both wanted to stare at her and observe her.

Cedric was also doing the same exact things Malfoy and Mattheo, only he was doing it from the Hufflepuff table.

After a few minutes of y/n not showing up, the boys began to worry. They all shared one singular thought, "Where the heck is y/n?"

And just as that thought entered their minds, Professor Quirell came frantically stumbling into the Great Hall.

"T-Troll in the dungeon!" Quirrell screamed. He then fainted and fell face first. The students became frantic and everyone got up. Students began chattering and screaming in fear, until Dumbledore silenced them all.

"SILENCE!" He demanded. "Your prefects will lead you all to your dorms safely, and the Professors and I will observe the dungeons."
As everyone started walking, Draco, Cedric, Neville, Mattheo, and the Weasley Twins all gathered near Harry and asked in unison, "Harry, where's y/n?"

"I-I don't know!" Harry stammered, clueless of his friends' whereabouts.

"Wait," said Ron, "Hermione and Y/n are both in the bathroom! They don't know about the troll!"

All 8 of the boys looked at each other to make sure they all had the same idea, and then they sped off towards the bathroom to save Hermione and y/n.


A little while earlier with y/n...


As I entered the bathroom, I could hear the painful sobs of my friend, Hermione Granger. I made sure to tread lightly and quietly so that I didn't startle her too much. I slowly approached the stall door that Hermione was hiding behind.

"Hermione? Are you alright?" I asked softly. I heard Hermione stifle her sobs. I smacked myself in the face loud enough so she could hear it. "Crap, it was stupid of me to ask that. It's obvious you aren't okay. What's bothering you?"

Part of Your World| D.M., M.R., C.D., H.P., F.W., G.W., and N.L.Where stories live. Discover now