Chapter 11- Chosen to Chase

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 I was about to witness another event from the Harry Potter Universe. Neville's disaster and Harry becoming the seeker. But, I was going to change a few things that would happen though. I would catch Neville and would also help Harry chase Draco because I hoped that maybe I could also score a position in quidditch if I showed of my skills while flying past McGonagall's window.

Flying class was normal like in the books and movies, everyone was learning to get their broom into their hand and practicing how to mount it. It went very easily for me, as I was able to get my broom in my hand on the first try, and I mounted my broom easily enough.

Finally, the good part came. Levitating off of the ground. I floated easily, and felt like I was a natural. Suddenly, as recorded, Neville began floating higher and higher. Madame Hooch snapped at him to get down, but he couldn't control his broom.

In a flash, he began to fall, and I zoomed forward on my broom and caught him. He fainted anyway, so he was sent to the Hospital Wing. Draco picked up Neville's ball that had been dropped, and began toying with it.

"Give it here, Malfoy," Harry demanded.

"What are you gonna do Potter?" Malfoy sneered.

"Just give it back!" Harry exclaimed.

Malfoy smirked and said, "Make me Potter." With that, he began flying and he zoomed off. Harry mounted his broom and zoomed after Malfoy, and I Decided to zoom after the two of them. In front of me, I could see them spinning around and doing wheelbarrows.

"YOU GUYS! STOP!" I yelled. I accelerated, and began to gain on both of them. As I passed McGonagall's large window, I made sure to accelerate and go even faster so I could get her attention.

I sped up even faster and caught up with Malfoy. He looked at me, confused. "What are you doing y/n? You could get hurt!"

While Malfoy was distracted with me, Harry took the opportunity to snatch Neville's remembrall. Malfoy shouted, "That was uncalled for Pottah! You cheated!"

The three of us touched down to the ground, and that was when Professor McGonagall came out. "Potter, L/n, come with me. Now!" She demanded.

Harry and I followed her. While Harry was panicking, I was internally celebrating. My flying skills had been good enough that she was going to introduce me to Oliver Wood!

McGonagall stopped in front of one of the classrooms and told Harry and I to wait outside.

"What's happening?" Harry asked.

"I'm getting Wood," she said.

Once she left, Harry turned to me, panicked and afraid. "She's getting wood! Is she going to burn us?"

I flicked Harry's forehead. "No you idiot. She's getting a student whose last name is probably Wood. She's not that cruel."

"Oh, that makes sense. Also, that hurt!"

Just then, McGonagall emerged with Oliver Wood. "Harry, Y/n, this is Oliver Wood, captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team."

"It's a pleasure to meet the both of you," he said, shaking both of our hands.

"Wood, I want you to teach them all about quidditch. I witnessed both of their flying talents earlier, and I must say, the Gryffindor quidditch team has a bright future ahead once they join," McGonagall stated. "I leave you to it."

Oliver led the two of us out towards an open field once he grabbed the box full of equipment. He explained quidditch to us, and then he brought out the Golden Snitch. He told us to try and catch it, and Harry as in the books and movies, was able to catch the snitch.

Once Harry caught the snitch, Oliver had me try out with the quaffle. We both soon learned that I had a cannon of an arm, and I was able to launch the quaffle at extremely and abnormally long distances. Once everything was over, Oliver finally delivered the results to Harry and I.

"Harry, I want you to be our seeker," he said, "And y/n..." he trailed off, and O

I shut my eyes anxiously and in anticipation. " will be our new chaser!" My eyes flew open in excitement.

"YES!" I screamed happily, and I hugged both Oliver and Harry. Oliver patted me on the back and then let go, while Harry held on for a little longer.

"I'm so excited to be on the quidditch team together!" I said to Harry.

"Me too!" He said. 

A/n: Sorry if this chapter was a little weird, I honestly wrote the Halloween chapter first and then suddenly remembered that right before Harry got put on the quidditch team.

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