Chapter 37- The Vault

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 "Harry! Y/n! Over here!"

I looked up and saw Hermione waving at us from the top of the stairs at Gringotts. She ran down to meet us, the momentum making her bushy brown hair fly behind her.

"Harry, what happened to your glasses? And Y/n, your hair's a mess. Oh, hello Hagrid— it's so wonderful to see you three again— Are you coming into Gringotts?"

"As soon as we find the Weasleys," Harry responded.

"Yeh won't have long ter wait,"Hagrid said, grinning fondly.

All of us turned around to where Hagrid was looking. Sprinting frantically around the crowded streets were Ron, Fred, George, Percy, and Mr. Weasley.

"Y/n!" Fred and George cried in relief.

"Harry!" Ron yelled out, happy to see him well and alive.

"Harry, Y/n," Mr. Weasley panted, out of breath from searching for us. "We hoped you'd only gone one grate too far..." He mopped his glistening bald patch. "Molly's frantic— she's coming now—"

"Where did you guys come out?" Ron asked.

Hagrid grimly said, "Knockturn Alley eym afraid."

"Excellent!" Fred and George said together, and I could tell they were ready to bombard me with questions.

Ron said in an envious tone, "We've never been allowed in. Mum says it's too dangerous."

Hagrid growled, "I should ruddy well think not."

Molly came speeding into view, her handbag swinging wildly in one hand and Ginny clinging onto the other, desperately trying to keep up.

"Harry, Y/n— oh, my dears— you could've been anywhere—"

Molly gingerly wiped the soot off Harry and I. She took Harry's glasses and with a flick of her wand they were as good as new.

"Well, gotta be off. See yer lot at Hogwarts!" Hagrid said, striding away.

"Guess who we saw in Borgin and Burkes?" Harry asked Fred, George, Hermione, and Ron as we climbed up the steps.

"Who?" They all asked, extremely curious.

"We saw Malfoy and his father," Harry said.

Fred turned to me and asked, "Did you guys actually talk to them or were you hiding?"

"Oh, we were—"

"You should've seen Y/n!" Harry said, suddenly very excited. "She gave Malfoy's father a beat down! She was super amazing, I'm so glad I'm her friend." I blushed from Harry's flattery, and he still had more to say.
Harry began to act out what happened as he explained, "Draco's dad was all like, 'I didn't allow you to speak', and Y/n retorted back, 'Beotch, you don't get to tell me what to do.' And then he got super duper angry and almost used his wand—"

"He what? What was he doing there? Did Lucius buy anything?" Mr. Weasley suddenly butted into the conversation.

"No, he was selling—"

With grim satisfaction Mr. Weasley said, "So he's worried. Oh, I'd love to get Lucius Malfoy for something..."

"You've got to be careful honey. Don't try to bite off more than you can chew. That whole family is trouble..." Molly said, worried for him.

"So you don't think I'm a match for Lucius Malfoy?" Mr. Weasley asked, offended. But he was then distracted by the sight of Hermione's parents, who were standing at the counter nervously.

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