don't touch her || 1

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takes place in httyd 2 when astrid and the gang get captured by drago! 

TW: abuse, sexual harassment and  possible rape

"You belong to me, now," said Drago in a low and intimidating voice as he pressed his foot down on Hookfangs snout. 

"And as an added bonus, I also caught you their riders. No extra charge," exclaimed Eret in attempt not to get another punishment from him.

Drago notices the saddle on Hookfangs back. His eyes wander to the saddle on Meatlug. Alarm flashes in his eyes as he looks over to the gang on the right with their hands tied up.

"Turns out, there's a whole bunch of them out there. They-" Eret was cut off abruptly as Drago stomps towards him and seizes his throat. 

"HOW MANY?" He demands, squeezing Eret's neck tighter.

"Hundreds! A whole island full!" Astrid speaks out of nowhere and Drago turns to look at her.

"I wouldn't worry about it. My men are hunting them down, as we speak. They won't know where you're hiding. I promise you that," Eret croaks out.

Astrid nods a covert signal to the Gang -- she has a plan.

"Oh, yes they will!" She shouts back, replying to Eret's statement but directing it to Drago.

Drago drops Eret as Astrid advances, staring Drago down. Eret tries to signal her to stop, but it's no use.

"They know we're missing and they have tracking dragons. If you so much as touch us, Hiccup is gonna kick-"


"He's only the son of Stoick the Vast. Heir to the throne of Berk and the greatest dragon master this world has ever seen!"

"Dragon master? I ALONE control the dragons!"

"And unless you let us go, right now, he will blast through here on his Night Fury and blow your entire fleet of ships to splinters!"

Drago grabs Eret by the throat once again and calls him out for lying to him. He then tells his guards to get rid of the Gang and Eret.

The guards close in on the Gang and just as they are about to throw weapons at them, Stormfly swoops in and protects them, allowing the weapons to bounce off her.

One of the guards was about to fire an anesthetic dart to Stormfly's neck but Drago stopped him. 

"No! Let the Nadder go. It as no use here,"

Astrid signalled to Stormfly to find Hiccup and Toothless before she flew off.

Drago looks at Stormfly flying off into the distance then turns to look at Astrid. "You seem to be the leader of this little group you have," 

"I am not the leader. Hiccup is! The dragon master!" She shouts back at Drago and tries to attack him but can't because her hands are tied.


Astrid cowers back, startled by the loud screams of Drago. She looks to the ground, refusing to look at Drago anymore.

"You there, bring them to the cellars. This young lady comes with me," Drago ordered a guard to lock up the Gang and Eret. 

He grabbed Astrid harshly by the arm (which was bound to leave a mark) and pulled her effortlessly to a room on the ship. He slammed the the door shut behind him and that was probably the last of Astrid the Gang would ever see.

After slamming the door behind him, Drago throws Astrid with much force in front of him. 

Astrid's head hit one of the table's legs and she could feel the blood trickling through her hair and slowly making its way down.

"I'm only going to as you this question once. Where is the Dragon Master?" Drago demanded. 

Astrid panted for a bit before shouting back, "I'M NOT TELLING YOU ANYTHING, YOU MONSTER," 

Drago advanced towards Astrid, who was on the ground on all fours. Without hesitation, he kicked Astrid in the stomach harshly, pushing her farther back into the room. She clutched her stomach and groaned from the excruciating pain travelling through her body.



"LIAR!" Drago kicked Astrid, who was still on the ground, harder than before. "TELL ME WHERE HE IS!"


Drago continuously abuses Astrid, kicking her, hitting her, demanding the whereabouts of Hiccup and Toothless. By now, Astrid was covered in cuts and bruises with a little blood here and there.

The fact is, she really didn't know where they were. All she could do now, was pray. Pray that Stormfly makes it back in time with her betrothed and his Night Fury before it's too late.

Drago continues to abuse Astrid until he got fed up with her "lies" and picks her up by the collar of her outfit and slams her against the wall.

He throws his spear to the side and removes his cloak. He grabs a small dagger on the table and starts cutting Astrid's under-shirt. 

"What the hell are you doing? Get your hands off-" Astrid realised what Drago was about to do to her and tried to push him off but only got a hard slap against her cheek, making it turn red.


Astrid can't even say anything anymore. Tears start rolling down her cheeks. He arms are chained above her so she can't do anything.

Drago successfully, rips off her under-shirt, revealing her in her bindings. 

He smirks and is about to cut her bindings off too before Astrid cries out, sobbing desperately, "No! Please! Don't do this! I beg you! Please!" 

Drago can only mock Astrid and laugh loudly, "Well, it's too late now, young lady. You should've just told me where he was. Then all of this could be avoided,"

"Please! I don't know where they are! I'm telling the truth! I really-" 


Astrid just sobs quietly, praying for Stormfly to come quicker with Hiccup and Toothless. 

Before she knew it, he chest was bare, her skirt and leggings were ripped off too. She was so vulnerable to anything now that fighting or shouting back was no use. 

She inhaled sharply as she felt Drago's cold hand touch her torso. She could only close her eyes and wait for it to be over.


Drago cut Astrid's chains off, causing her to collapse to the ground. She was so weak after what happened to her. She couldn't wear any off her clothes because they were all torn and ripped. 

"Don't even think about trying to escape," Drago ordered and locked the door. Leaving Astrid alone in the dark.

She found a nearby fur blanket and she wrapped herself in it. Not only does it cover her body but also keeps her warm because Astrid always got cold at night. And when she did, Hiccup would usually pull her close to his warm body.

She continued to cry, waiting for Hiccup, waiting for a miracle.

oh lord i can't believe i just wrote that. 

part 2 coming soon.

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