cruel summer

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some fun httyd/hiccstrid summer drabbles for the season! i'm currently in the midst of writing post battle plans because i really want to perfect that chapter. and i am slowly recovering from my dog's passing so i will try to update more often now :)

1 - the cove and her scars

After returning from the Edge, Hiccup and Astrid finally got to return to their 'secret place' at the Cove where Hiccup befriended Toothless. Everyday and everynight, they would walk to the Cove and have heart to heart conversations.

Just the two of them. No Snotlout, no Twins. Just them and the beauty of nature. 

Despite there being a large lake, Astrid always refrained from going swimming there. Hiccup has suggested it multiple times, but she always shut the idea down. 


"Please?" He begged, pulling her towards the lake as she held her ground. 

"No! I've told you so many times - I don't like swimming!" She retorted, snatching her hand away from his touch, wrapping them around her body. 

"Oh, please. You swam almost every weekend at the Edge," he countered, proving to her that she couldn't get away from this. 

She stood there in silence, realizing that he was right and that excuses wouldn't help her anymore.

"What's goin' on? Are you feeling alright?" He asked, now concerned. 

She turned away from him, fighting back tears that threatened to spill. 

"My scars...," she whispered, voice shaking and a tear managing to escape from her eyes. 

It took Hiccup awhile to register what she had said because he had trouble hearing. But when he did, his eyes widened and understood what she meant. 

From the last year at the Edge, Astrid has gone through so many battles and fights that has left her with multiple scars.

It also explains why she doesn't show much of her skin anymore because of them. And she knew that if she went swimming, she would have to strip down to the point where 90% of her body was revealed. 

"Astrid...," he cooed, allowing her to fall into his arms as he rubbed comforting circles on her back. 

"You don't have to be afraid, Astrid. Scar or not you will always be beautiful to me, and that will never change," he said, raising her chin up to look at him. 

He kissed the top of her head lovingly and Astrid finally had a swim. Finally finding confidence her body and not being ashamed of it. 

2 - illicit affairs

Tradition is tradition. Rules are rules. An heir should only marry an heiress. A Chief should only marry a Chieftess. 

Hiccup Haddock, son of Stoick and Vast and heir to the throne of Berk was turning 20 in spring of next year. 

His father had been nagging him to get out there on that dragon and find a woman before it's too late. Before Stoick himself has to pick somebody. 

Hiccup always flee away on Toothless before Stoick could even finish his conversation, leaving him frustrated and fuming. 

It wasn't that Hiccup didn't want to marry anyone, but because he had already found someone. But that someone is unfortunately not an heiress nor a Chieftess. 

She is simply a mere 19 year old girl who lives in Berk. That girl is Astrid Hofferson. Best known warrior on the Island. 

Stoick had no knowledge of this illicit affair his son was having with the village girl. If he did know, Hiccup would be dead before you knew it. 

So they kept this relationship of theirs a secret. 

Every night when the village had gone to sleep, Hiccup would sneak out of his home and climb through the window of Astrid's room. 

That was how they spent their time together. Being each others therapists, their shoulder to cry on and many, many more.

For now, they managed to keep it a secret. But it wouldn't take long until someone else found out and blabbed it on to the rest of the village. 

And it really didn't take that long for none other than Snotlout to catch them engaged in a heated kiss in Astrid's bedroom. 

And what was once an illicit affair became a dead affair that day. 

3 - deja vu

As the years flew by, New Berk had flourished into one of the best trading port in the Western Archipelago. 

Chief Hiccup had formed multiple allies with the neighbouring clans and Chieftess Astrid had founded one of the most successful training academy in the Archipelago.

But not only did New Berk start to grow, so did the Haddock family. Hiccup and Astrid were now in their 40s. Zephyr was almost 20 and Nuffink had just turned 17. 

The last time they visited Toothless was when Zephyr was only 8. 

"Don't you think it's about time we pay Toothless another visit?" Hiccup asked his wife as they got ready for bed. 

"Yeah. I think it's time. We haven't seen them since Zephyr's 8th birthday. 12 years, can you believe that?" She said in realization from how long it has been. 

The couple planned their trip to the Hidden World and were off sailing the next afternoon. Only this time, it was just the two of them.


After a gruelling 4 hours in the scorching sun, they finally came upon a great waterfall. To their surprise, Toothless was sleeping at the edge of it, basking in the sun. 

The fury's ears perked up at the sound of chains rattling and when he opened his eyes, he saw Hiccup standing at the edge of the boat. 

Wagging his tail like a puppy, Toothless flew from the rock to the boat in one stride and tackled Hiccup to the ground.

"It's good to see you too, Bud! How ya doing?" He cooed, scratching Toothless under his chin like he always loved.

Hiccup signalled for Toothless to fetch Stormfly and before you knew it, they were up in the air just like the good old times.

The circled, spinned, dive-bombed. They did everything that they did as teens. Reliving their days at the Edge. 

"It's great to be back up here," Astrid said contently, inhaling the sweet summer air that surrounded them. 

Hiccup nodded in response as he closed his eyes, head filling up with all the memories he made as a 18 year old viking who wanted nothing more than to explore the great beyond. 

"Remember when we were in our late teens, we used to go out every night on midnight flights just like this," Hiccup spoke up as the sun began to set in front of them. 

"Of course I do. We'd always start at around sunset, just like this, and end in the wee hours of the morning," she said, gesturing to the stunning sunset that took place in front of their eyes. 

"Well, then there's that feeling of deja vu," Hiccup chuckled. 

The couple continued to fly and talk and only made it back to the boat at around 2 o'clock in the morning. 

They anchored their ship at the Hidden World and returned to New Berk after getting some sleep.

i'm sorry is these were very badly written because frankly speaking, they were. i just wanted to post something instead of just leaving you guys hanging. 

but just hang in there a little longer and i'll have one up by thursday tops. thank you so much for waiting and for 8k ♡

xoxo, nikki <3

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