stormy nights

715 14 12

requested one! 

prompt: sleeping together and a storm appears which scares astrid. thus, she wakes hiccup up. 

honestly i've read soooo many of these similar ones on other hiccstrid books on wattpad so it shouldn't be to hard for me LOL

can take place at anytime from rtte - httyd 3 if you're able to tweak it but primarily set in httyd 3 and is in astrid's pov

It's been a week since all of Berk migrated to the Western part of the Archipelago. We came across this huge island with everything we need. 

Food, water and lots of land. Hiccup agreed to set up camp here until he and Toothless find the Hidden World. 

To be honest, I'm a little skeptical on this whole Hidden World thing. Look, I understand that Hiccup wants to keep both the dragons and Berk safe. But sometimes, maybe we should just leave the Hidden World alone, you know? We don't even know if it's real!

Anyways, we were all having a big dinner tonight. Just because... for fun! The huge bonfire in the centre and Berkians all gathered around it. 

Singing and dancing to Scottish tunes. I didn't participate in all of that, I just looked from the back with Stormfly and sometimes laughed when they messed up the dance. 

"Not hungry?" I swiveled by head to the left where I saw a familiar viking walking towards me. He had a plate with some beef and vegetables on it. 

"Well, I wouldn't even try getting food. Look at the crowd!" I gestured to the many vikings crowding around the food station, "But thanks for getting me some."

He handed the plate to me and I began to eat. Man, it was delicious, "Luckily, I'm the Chief and they just love letting me get first servings. But I wasn't hungry but thought you'd be,"

I chuckled at his words, "Why, thank you, Chief  Haddock," I emphasised to Chief  just to tease him a little.

"Oh come on, Astrid! You know I hate being called that!" He whined.

"I guess I'll just do it more then!" I said in a sing-songy voice. 

We talked for awhile as the Berkians danced and singed heartily. Then Hiccup asked me the most mind boggling question never want to hear again. 

"Care to dance?" He held out his hand like the gentleman he was, inviting me in for a dance. 

"Seriously? You want me to dance?" I looked at him. 

a/n: i just had to do this. astrid just bombastic side eyed, criminal offensive side eyed hiccup IM SORRY

He shrugged his shoulders as a way a saying "Well, why not?" 

Of course I wasn't going to dance. So I held his hand and when he relaxed into mine I twisted his wrist and kept on doing it until he surrendered.

"Okay, okay! You win! You don't have to dance," I let go of his hands and he winced at the afterpain. 

I just laughed at him and leaned back against a tree trunk. 

Not long after, we heard the rumbling of thunder above our heads and the wind was picking up. 

"Looks like there's going to be a storm tonight," he said. 

Hiccup went over to the centre of the dancing and singing to tell everyone that a storm is up ahead and that they should pack things up for the night.

Many groans were heard and I heard Snotlout tell Tuffnut, "He's such a moodkill," 

Well Snotlout is definitely going to get it from me tomorrow morning. 

A light drizzle began and Hiccup and I decided to turn in for the night before it gets worse. 

Technically, we have our separate tents situated right next to each other but I still sleep in his tent more. He also has a bigger bed so it's a win-win. 

Also since there's going to be a storm tonight, I'm better off sleeping with him because of what happened back at the Edge...

I could've died that night! Until Hiccup saved me. Now the only way I'll survive a stormy night like this is if I'm with Hiccup. 

Our tents were quite the walk away and when we got there it was practically raining cats and dogs! 

I ran into Hiccup's tent and he followed suit. Luckily, I always kept some spare clothes here so I quickly changed into an oversized tunic and some comfortable shorts. 

Toothless was curled up at the corner like an oversized dog. Stormfly likes sleeping in the trees, considering that she's very much like a bird. 

Hiccup got in bed first and I just crashed on top of him, snuggling into his warm body because it's fucking cold tonight.

He fell asleep instantly while I stayed awake because of the storm. It was pouring outside and the 'pitter patter' of the water droplets hitting the ground were almost deafening to me.

I closed my eyes in hopes to try and sleep. There's no point staying up all night without trying to sleep. 

Luckily, I managed to fall asleep. But only for less than an hour before a loud, explosive, resounding noise produced by the explosive expansion of air was heated by a lightning discharge.

I woke up with a start. Sweating and shaking. Unfortunately, Hiccup woke up too and saw me in this state. 

"Astrid? Are you alright?" He shot up from his sleeping position into a completely wide awake one. 

"The storm. It just.. brings back that  night. You know, at the Edge," I whimpered.

He pulled me into a hug and gave me a short but sweet kiss on the cheek. 

"It's okay, Astrid. Just calm down, it's going to be alright," he reassured me and continued to say reassuring words to me.

Running his hands through my hair to calm me down, saying reassuring words to me and sometimes funny things to cheer up the mood. 

Pretty soon, I fell asleep in his arms and felt him lay me back down on the bed. 

I felt him lay down next to me and pull me closer to his warm chest. Which was perfect because it was very cold tonight. 

I smiled into his touch and thought about how lucky of a girl I am to have a man like Hiccup. To have all these amazing people in my life that I can rely on for anything. I'm forever grateful for them.

uh. i don't know what happened here but like it feels rushed despite having spent a few days on this. 

again, many hiccstrid books have done stories like this so it was very hard for me to not copy their work. 

but hope you guys liked it! thawfest games 3 hopefully up tmrw!

stay positive :)!! 

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