2023 opinion
I can't believe I never thought about these two together before! I'm not sure how I feel about them, but it makes sense in an odd sort of way. My main issue with this is that Peter never fit in with his friends (canonically) and sought those with social power so he'd be included. Xenophilius was likely treated similarly to Luna, meaning that it would further isolate Peter. However, it may have also encouraged him to be himself and care less about what people thought of him. They'd be very sweet together, and I could see them divining, baking, or collecting odd objects together! Overall, I don't mind it, but I don't really ship it.
Rating: 5/10.

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!