Nevmione (Neville/Hermione)

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2023 Opinion
No, I don't ship this. At all. I never have. I just can't see them as anything more than study buddies and casual friends. Hermione can be brash, judgemental, and bossy, and this is exactly the the type of person Neville wouldn't like. He's grown up with that as his grandmother, so he doesn't need it in a lover. Hermione wouldn't like that he is so sensitive and nervous as she wants someone who can be an equal, not intimidated by her like Neville would be — and often is, in canon.

Not to mention that Hermione would have to baby Neville a little, and probably couldn't stand his lack of knowledge about certain areas. Neville, on the other hand, could become really hurt by Hermione's ruthlessness and lack of interest in herbology, his main passion.

Neville's lack of intellect and interest in anything academic aside from herbology would grind Hermione's gears. Even more so than Ron's, since he at least is willing to debate with her.

There's not much to say about this other than that I don't believe it would ever work.

Rating: 2/10.

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