2023 Opinion
This is probably one of the worst ships, in my opinion (aside from the objectively problematic ones, of course). No hate to anyone who likes it, it's just not for me. They are extremely different in every way, and I don't see any romantic, sexual, emotional, or any other type of attraction between them. Cho needs someone who can understand and empathise with her, and while I'm a fan of redemption arcs, Draco's strong suit is not emotions. No matter how much he changed, he could never provide her with the emotional support she needs when he's struggling so much. He needs a safe place to heal. The only things they have in common are quidditch and obsessing over Harry Potter, which could make them better friends, but even that is a stretch. Also, I just don't see them getting along. I love complex characters, but not all characters could handle ex-death eaters as partners, and Cho is one of them. I'm sorry, but I don't think she, in particular, could deal with it. It's an intriguing ship though, I'll give it that.
Rating: 2/10.

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!