2023 opinion
I went from liking it to hating to, well, now. I like Ransy. It's not the best ship ever, but I actually enjoy it. I do think their personalities clash a little, but not irreparably. I've read way too many good fan-fictions of these two to judge it too much. Here are some of my reasons/thoughts:1. Both love to be needed and could be considered 'clingy' or 'overbearing'. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it is something that they have in common. We see this with Pansy - in fact, it's one of the only personality traits she shows - and even more so with Ron. It likely comes from insecurity, though I'm sure theirs stem from different things. They would not get annoyed at each other's clinginess, as many would, and would have a deeper understanding of how to treat one another. It always helps when people have the same love language. Being needed by the other would make them feel important and loved, in turn, so that'd be good.
2. This may come as a shock, but I feel like their personalities are quite balanced. Pansy is confident enough but with her own clinginess that matches Ron, who is chronically insecure. She is uptight enough to keep him structured and motivated and Ron is relaxed enough to calm and reassure her. Mind you, he's not great at understanding emotions, so he could come off as insensitive and rude. I can imagine this being a big issue. However, once he understood, he'd be very supportive. She strikes me as academically intelligent where Ron is more strategic, which we know works thanks to Romione. However, unlike with Hermione, Pansy's fun and spontaneous nature would be good for Ron. I don't know.
3. Chess. This isn't actually a proper reason — more so a personal head-canon. We know one of Ron's main hobbies is chess, and he's mighty good at it, but I've also always thought that Pansy would be into strategic, logic-based games. They'd definitely bond over this and probably have tension-filled competitions.
4. Ron is quite traditionally gentlemanly which suits Pansy, who seems like the type to want a partner to nurture and protect her. We know he prefers a more family-oriented role in partnerships, like homemaking and raising children. Imagine Pansy coming home from a long day at work to foot rubs, a drawn bath, and a Weasley-style feast! You can't tell me that wouldn't be something he'd do regularly. He'd pamper her and she'd love it. Of course, she's also a girlboss, but hey, who doesn't like to be pampered sometimes? She seems like she'd shower him in reassurance and compliments, which is what Ron, who is always insecure and seeking reassurance, needs. She wouldn't grow impatient with it like some would.
Okay, that's enough for now. This pairing doesn't make much sense but at the same time it does. Anyway, I clearly ship it.
Rating: 7/10

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!