2023 Opinion
I've never really understood the hype around this pairing.
Yes, they would honour each other's quirks and be a sweet pair. However, the main draw of this ship seems to be pairing the two 'weirdos' or outcasts, together. It feels like an odd way to get the losers out of the way. I don't think either of them are losers, of course, but that is how they were treated unfortunately. Also, just because neither fits in does not automatically mean that they're compatible. They might be seen as strange, but in very different ways.
I worry that Luna would be too detached and free spirited for sensitive Neville, or that Neville would become too nervous around her. He was always lovely to her, but even he seemed somewhat scared of her odd tendencies. He never seemed to know what to do with them. I really do feel as though Neville needs someone grounded; he finally grew into himself and became a more stable person. Luna, on the other hand, aims to live a free and untethered lifestyle gallivanting across the world and searching for/studying magical creatures. As great a life as that would be, it is not one that suits Neville. He is much more of a homebody and nowhere near as adventurous as her. I think he would feel uncomfortable with this part of her and she, if she gave in to his ideal future, would feel trapped and stifled.
Plus, I don't really feel any romantic or sexual attraction between them. I know they're semi-canon in the movies, but there certainly wasn't anything even remotely romantic between them in the books.
I am okay with this ship existing, but I never feel anything for them.Rating: 4/10.

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!