2023 opinion
Definitely not. Not just because he called her a mudblood, but because he actually thought that muggleborns were below him, which was proven multiple times. He thought that being in love with Lily excused him from abusing Harry and Ron, damaging Hermione's self esteem, and becoming Neville's biggest fear. Neville lived while Voldemort was in power and had his parents literally tortured into insanity by him and his followers and yet his biggest fear was a teacher? That's pretty bad. Not to mention he was completely biased. I know he did some good things, and had some good traits, but that doesn't mean he should be with Lily. I like to think that when he died and joined whatever afterlife there is in Harry Potter, Lily slapped him and told him off. He's a great character and a morally grey person, but I still hate this ship.
Rating: 1/10 (NOTP).

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!