2023 Opinion
Well, this is certainly a rare pair. I just found out it was a thing.Luna would be a soothing presence in George's life, especially after the war. She could really help him heal and open up to others more. Who wouldn't when Luna is such a non-judgemental force of the earth? George could help Luna, too. He'd understand that just because she's, well, her doesn't mean that she isn't as traumatised by the war as everyone else. That despite her smile and positivity, as well as her cheerful spirit, she is struggling. They are both people who hide their negativity under mischievous, strange, and 'quirky' behaviour.
I've always imagined George resorting to insults and anger to deal with grief, which Luna would understand and be un-offended by. She's sensitive, but also very perceptive. She's not easily hurt and has a rather good grip on the human psyche. He wouldn't scare her away. That's something George 100% needs after the war, especially in a family that skirts around 'bad' topics and expects everyone to put on a front. With each other, they can be real.
Also, they're both intelligent in an unconventional way and super creative. That's all very canon. They don't care much about social norms or people's opinions, making them a compatible match. George is known as the more quiet and gentle twin, which means he can have those emotional and philosophical conversations with Luna. Although he too believes that Luna is bizarre, I think he sees it in a positive light — he utilises the bizarre in all his products and doesn't seem all that put off by it.
He would admire Luna's creativity, and she would admire his. Plus, I don't see either as the jealous type which is helpful in a relationship where Luna would be away frequently for her career. I even think George, who is quite flexible and spontaneous, would plan around it or just...go with her. They'd be very cute together that's for sure, and though it's an odd ship, I can't see any cons!
Rating: 7/10.

Harry Potter ships
FanfictionThis is a redo from my ship book on my old account smart_hermionerules. Suggest ships and I'll tell you what I think!