Dorlene (Dorcas/Marlene)

132 3 3

2023 opinion
I can't believe I haven't done this yet! I really thought I did.

Personally, I imagine that these two are Gryffindor x Slytherin quidditch rivals, which would only make their relationship cuter. They'd have some issues, though, and I'm a little conflicted. On one hand, personality-wise, I think they're both intelligent, brave, and ambitious. On the other hand, though, they still seem like very different people. If you check their (fanon) mbti types, Dorcas is an INFP and Marlene is usually described as an ENFJ, which are totally different. As an INFJ with an INFP mother, I can't imagine us getting along with someone with Dorcas's type. I could definitely be wrong though. I worry that their thinking styles are so different that they wouldn't have good communication or conflict resolution. It seems mildly toxic. So, I'm not sure. I don't dislike it - in fact I can't help but ship it a little - but I prefer Marylene and Dorlily. I know this is an unpopular opinion in the marauders fandom, so please don't judge, but I'd still love to know your opinions.

Rating: 7/10.

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